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September 29, 2011


  1. When progress is hindered repeatedly do you quit? 
  2. Do you recognize discouragement when it…hits? 
  3. Does your reaction… reveal how you feel? 
  4. Are you answering these questions truthfully or how you think they should be answered if God was asking? 
  5. How many times do you hit the wall before you ask if this is the direction to take? 
  6. Have you considered the fact that sometimes one more step needs to be taken prior to the next breakthrough? 
  7. Have you ever climbed a staircase only to discover what appeared to be the top was a wider step that took you around a corner …and led you to yet a few more stairs to climb?
  8. How do you react when you learn your plan showing point A and point B, also has a Point C? 
  9. Is God ever early or late? 
  10. Is patience something you are learning?
  1. Is your discernment having to grow?  Is your faith being tried? 
  2. Do circumstances ever change? 
  3. What are you worrying about when you say God is in control? 
  4. Why do you entertain distractions when time is of the essence? 
  5. Do you think you would persevere more diligently if you could see the future? 
  6. Do you believe your prayers are being answered? 
  7. Do you still hear the voice of the Holy Spirit? 
  8. Do you trust God to work all things together for good?
  9. Do you think it is important to ask questions?
  10. Do your friends influence you or visa verso?


  1. Does God know how to multiply? 
  2. Do you believe your faith is strong? 
  3. Do you speak the truth in love? 
  4. Is there an area of your life where you want God to bring much revelation so as to help you breakthrough more quickly? 
  5. Do you realize how much God loves you? 
  6. Are you receiving God’s love? 
  7. What is the greatest breakthrough you achieved in the past month?
  8. How many new goals have you set to be reached by the end of 2011?
  9. Does your countenance reflect Jesus….his light, love, tenderness?
  10. Do you want to be more Christ-like?

  1. How many Bible verses did you memorize in the past month?
  2. Have you documented things the Holy Spirit instructed you to do?
  3. How diligent are you when it comes to reading the Word of God?
  4. Has your prayer life increased in power and fervency; resulting in an increase of time spent in prayer?
  5. Do you share your zeal for the things of the Lord when the Holy Spirit nudges you to, or not?
  6. Are you fearful of rejection or is pride holding you back from being bold for Christ?
  7. When in doubt and making a decision, do you ask yourself what Jesus would do?
  8. Have you seen the trail you have blazed for Jesus or do you never look back?
  9. Regardless of the cost of picking up your cross do you continue to be expectant of God’s rewards for obedience?
  10. If you could change three things and improve on your behaviour, what would those three things be?


  1. Is your motive good when it comes to correcting someone?
  2. Do you ever condemn without realizing it?
  3. When the Holy Spirit gives an instruction to do something seemingly bazaar…do you?
  4. What is the most thrilling thing that ever happened to you?
  5. When did you decide to follow Jesus and not ever turn back?
  6. If you could be more effective than anyone, in winning souls, what would you be doing?
  7. When it comes to personal preferences, is yours…lined up with the Word?
  8. Where do you keep your most prized possessions?
  9.  What do you do for others that you enjoy doing most?
  10. When you have breathed your last breath on earth will you hear: “Well done, thou good and faithful Servant….”?


Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
                     PS.45:1 …my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
                     Glory To God.

FYI:  My blogs and tweets are copyrighted…@LindaLouJones 2011.

September 18, 2011

#54  TRUTH 

Truth is:  some 'Truth' hurts.
Sometimes 'Truth' is humorous.
Other times 'Truth' is painful. 
Yet again, 'Truth' is liberating.
'Truth' can be partial...white lie truth...
'Truth' can be whole...the whole truth
And nothing but the truth.

 Truth is:....'Truth' can be twisted.
 'Truth' can be trusted.
'Truth' can be discerned.
'Truth' can be believed.
'Truth' can edify.
The Holy Spirit is:
The Spirit of 'Truth'. 

'Truth' is part of God's DNA.
'Truth' is part of God's Character.
'Truth' is...God does not change.
The percentage of 'Truth' you know
Is the percentage you are free.
You shall know the 'truth'
And the 'truth' shall make you free!  John 8:32
PS.91:4 ...truth shall be your shield...
PS.51:6 ...Behold, You desire truth
PS.119:142 and your Law is truth 
John 14:6 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Eph. 4:15 but, speaking the truth in love...
Eph.6:14 ...having girded your waist with truth
1Tim. 2:7 I am speaking the truth in Christ the knowledge of the truth
1John 3:19 that we are of the truth
1John 5:6 the Spirit is truth

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 tongue is the pen
of a ready writer.
Glory To God

September 17, 2011


I find it amazing how God gives me ideas.
The Holy Spirit, who is my Teacher, is so kind.
He just showed me to go through the alphabet slowly,
Pick a word that comes to mind for each letter 
Then write a poem about each word.

Next thing I knew twenty six poems were created.
Written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost
In God's perfect timing.

I give God the glory and can tell you:


God's thoughts are wiser, His ways are higher than mans...."

NOTE: Ask God to give you what I call a "Light Bulb idea"; something that will help propel you to the next level more quickly.  Have faith to receive...


Guess What:  I just read a tweet that said to write about what inspires you...:-) 

September 15, 2011

#53 The Real Deal 

One sheet of paper
Unmarked, wrinkle free, crisp, clean
Rest silently before me
Words are yet unseen.

The paper is symbolic of my life
The day I got saved and sincere,
Made Jesus Lord and pressed close.
He could never be too near.

He gave me a free will.
Each day is as a fresh page to me
Awaiting ink to reveal each word
While simultaneously making history.

Because today is now yesterday
And tomorrow is at the door
Anticipating my wise decisions
Because when it comes to wisdom, I pray for more.

The page may reflect changes
As one word is exchanged for another.
Life's battles reveal scars
On many a sister and brother.

The page now becomes a house
For words from the heart
Reflecting the character within
Right from the start.

Out of the abundance of the heart
The mouth speaks...(Lk.6:44-46) so true.
When joy and peace reign supreme
Repeatedly, God communed with you.

And you with Him; it's called "Communion".
Spiritual intercourse with the Master.
He floods you with His presence
As you wait, it's faster...

Faster than asking others for a word
And far less dangerous too.
When you hear the Holy Spirit's voice
You'll know what to do.

Whether He speaks to you
Through the Word, TV, or me
In a poem such as this
The truth, you will see.

The Holy Spirit quickens it to you
Because He wants you to know truth always.
You shall know truth and be set free.(John 8:32)
Makes for much better days!

From a word to a sentence and more
His plan is revealed gradually
As you continue to commune;
An image, a thought, scripture, during prayer, from "He". 

When released through pen or computer, to paper
It becomes more real
Eyes see, words come alive...
To your heart it does seal.

You know that you know, that you KNOW...
When it is the "Real Deal"
So walk in the Spirit.(Gal.5:16)
Don't go by how you feel. 

Your page may have scars 'n wrinkles
But your heart will be pure,
Your hands will be clean,(PS.24:4)
You will more than endure.

As you climb yet a higher mountain
And yes, even soar
As an Overcoming Eagle
Always reaching for More!

It is the wind of the Holy Spirit
That lifts you Higher and Higher
From a Poem to a Book and a Song
Victoriously THROUGH waters, rivers, and fire!(IS.43:2)

Your single "word"....... multiplied
As in Christ you abide.  (John 15)
Jesus is seen by all
'Cause He IS light, you just can't hide!(John 8:12)

A Vessel of Honor you become;
An Ambassador of Christ each day(Eph.6:20)
Whether in a song, book , or poem
Or when you pray.

There is really no end.
You are solid, as is your Rock...(PS.31:3)
The Rock that does not bend.

Jesus is His Name
'Causing ;you to be transparent, be real
'Cause after all is said and done:

Written By: Linda Lou Jones    
PS.45:1.."my tongue is the pen
  of a ready writer."
 Glory to God

September 14, 2011

FYI:(Bring your coffee...this one's not short!) :-))

When there are numerous re-tweets on the topic of "Battles of Life" it makes me think many people are in a battle.  Yes, we are in a spiritual battle daily, yet it is not uncommon to think you are the 'only' one 'in' such a battle.  Realize the devil hates you whether you are a Christian or not.  That is his nature: HATE.  So if you think being lukewarm will get him off your back, NOT!  Where would we all be if Jesus had that kind of an attitude?  Besides, we are to be like Jesus so face the fact that you ARE in a spiritual battle.  Daily, 24/7, sometimes more intense than others; but so what?!!! (Eph.6:12)

The same Jesus that carries you.....whereby you see one set of footprints, changes not.  He said he would never leave you nor forsake you, (Heb. 13:5) and he does not lie.  So the first thing to remember when you are feeling the 'heat' that you are NOT alone.  Secondly, you have the Word of God through which the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart.  Thirdly, you have the blood of Jesus to cover yourself with, the full armor of God to protect, (Eph.6:11-18) and last but not least, 'Worship'.   

YOU... decide what to magnify: the problem....or the answer.  YOU choose your Focus.  A right decision is what results in your success.  The sooner you obey the instruction of the Holy Spirit, the better.  Otherwise you set yourself up for repercussions.  Why?  Because delayed obedience is disobedience.  Timing is important to God and should be to everyone.

Let's take one area of 'life problems' and zero in a bit.  Since I have had opportunities to pray with people recently regarding oppression, head aches, etc. I will address this.  My prayer is to have sharp discernment, and for the Holy Spirit to help me be sensitive to discern oppression quickly so I can take authority over it spiritually.  If I don't, the heaviness continues until it feels like someone has their foot on my neck, or like my head is being pushed to the floor.  That kind of activity is not from God.  BUT GOD gave us victory over this and we must use the weapons we have been given.  Not run to the medicine cabinet!  In fact, that might be a good place to place a small Bible as a reminder to go to God first in prayer...  just sayin... :-))

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 I pray: Father thank you that I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath and by the stripes laid on Jesus Christ, I was healed.  I take authority over Satan and his advocates and rebuke them in the name of Jesus, I command all pain to cease, I rebuke oppression in the name of Jesus, and I go to the root of this and rebuke every ungodly unedifying word or thought that comes against me and send it back where it comes from 7 fold in the name of Jesus....with forgiveness.  Thank you Lord for honoring your Word.  It will not come back void.  It will accomplish what it is sent to do.  Hallelujah! (IS.55:11) 
I refuse to bite the bullet and be offended at anyone.  I choose to focus on you Lord, and praise you for setting me free from the darkness that is trying to come against me.  Every wrong word is like an arrow that my shield of faith stops and it becomes like a boomerang returning from whence it was sent.  Bottom line, people reap what they sow.  How others treat me... is how You, God... will treat them.  (When I learned this I was so uplifted and realized the battle is the Lords. (1Sam. 17:47).  Psalm 46:10 says...."Be still, and know that I am God."  'Be still', in another translation means to 'cease striving'...and I do.)

I turn the stumbling blocks into stepping stones and rise up higher....I refuse to get into the pig pen with carnal people who want to throw mud.  The greater the pressure the higher I soar, until I am worshiping the Lord freely, unhindered, as an eagle that soars above the storms of life into the area of tranquility. (IS.40:29-31)  A little prayer, from a fervent pure heart combined with the Word of God....a little praise, a little thanksgiving...all goes more than a 'little way'.  (James 5:16; PS.150:6; Phil.4:6)  Try it, because when your faith is in God and you are moving forward in Christ, there will be battles, yet we are not defenseless.  We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.  (Rom.8:37)

I heartily recommend that if you are trying to win the war by NOT...  entering into spiritual warfare; you are deceived, lazy, and headed for a downward spiral fast.  To be born again, even Spirit filled and NOT pray in your heavenly language, the perfect will of God; let alone NOT pray in English and take dominion over all evil with the promises of God, is to your detriment!  Do not rely on your parents, mate, family, friends, church, prayer partner to bail you out each time there is an attack.  You are accountable for your actions, or lack of.  What do you do with your Bible?  Are you one of the many people who leave it at church for months and haven't even personalized it by entering your name?  How you treat the Bible is how you treat God...  
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You are in God's army if you are a Christian and you are responsible to get with it.  When you got saved that was like  'Day One' of school.  This spiritual school will NEVER end, so get used to it....get used to growing spiritually, maturing daily.  In fact, yearn to do so.  To NOT do so, to NOT apply yourself accordingly, will hold you in bondage like  a chicken in a coup limited to  ground zero level.  There is no satisfaction in mediocrity!  

Look at it this way:  would you be happy laying an egg in a stinky chicken coup daily, or soaring like an eagle high above the storms of life enjoying the magnificence of the view not to mention the liberty?  The decision is yours, God gave everyone a free will.  We are not puppets.

There many who say they don't know how to pray effectively.  The answer is: Pray the Word of God!  Plus study to show yourself approved (2Tim.2:15)....take a class, pray with others, learn by praying, and trust the Holy Spirit to inspire you.  To not pray because you feel inadequate is sin.  People are going to hell every single day and for eternity.  YOU can help bring people as far as you have come.  Teach what you have learned thus far.  Step out in faith and let your light shine because God wants to use you...yes, YOU!  

Make yourself available to prayed up, in the Word, expectant, and go forth to blaze a trail because "with God all things are possible". (Mark 10:27)  First you learn to win over the attacks of oppression caused by gossip, slander, jealousy, intimidation, etc. THEN with the taste of Victory your desire is to help others.  Do it!  One by one by one and more.  Little is much when God is in it!

That is only one tiny example of the victories God has for you as you use the Sword of the Lord effectively.  Higher level, bigger devil but you will never run out of words of life when the Bible is your Source and your trust is in God.  He will not let you down.  Faithful...He IS!  God bless you as you also remember....we are on the winning side as 'In Christ" we abide! (John 15)  Glory to God!!!     

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
                     PS. 45:1..."My tongue is the pen
                     of a ready writer."  
                     Glory To God

September 11, 2011


When the Spirit of the Lord rises up from deep within, you know it!  I prayed for someone and when one particular topic was touched, it was like a match was ignited and energy shot forth with each word.  The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much, and two of us were in agreement in the Name of Jesus.  That is when praying is fun.  You know things are getting accomplished and your words are backed up by a God who cares and does not falter.  We reminded Him of His promises that His Word will not return void.  That pleases Him, and us too!

I do not want to spend time praying if it is just to appease someone.  Faith must be the force behind the prayers and when the words are supported with the Word of God the fire is more than lit.  It has an impact of shooting a torpedo forth on behalf of those who are on the receiving end.  Darkness is lifted off of them and they are lifted up out of evil, away from the hands of the enemy.  Snatching souls out of hell is joyous, and God always has ways of confirming the change of heart.  He is faithful.  

When you have been delivered from much, and know it, have experienced the joy of being free in Christ, you are pleasured to pray for the fallen.  Knowing there is hope for them as long as they are still breathing, means keep praying....never give up on them.  God did not give up on me....or you, for that matter.  Seeing lives change because Jesus now is real to the person you prayed for is thrilling.  

Jesus becomes their savior, trusted friend, is a voice they want to know and listen to.  Jesus is not hanging on a cross, or laying in a tomb, he is alive and well.  He sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.  When a soul is saved and set free....has entered into a personal relationship with can not buy such liberty.  Don't ever give up on your loved ones especially.  Pray believing because God is listening and values your prayers.  Like the old song says...It is no secret what God can do.  

Acts 16:31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy household."  (Immediate family....I claimed it for my Daddy years ago and had the privilege of leading him to a fresh commitment to the Lord, with tears streaming down his cheeks.  God honored His promise in Acts 16:31, and little did I know that 15 1/2 hours later..... my Daddy... would be in Heaven. "Mission Accomplished!"  Glory to God.