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June 26, 2012

#76  Do WHAT?

When the smile gets knocked off your face...
When your countenance drops considerably...
When tears sting your eyes simultaneously...
You know you've been 'hit'...
Can anyone relate...or is it just me?

What follows such a 'hit'...
Reveals who I follow consistently...
My Jesus... is Who I look up to for help.
I need not look 'for' Him, 'cause I... follow Him.
He and I are... 'We'!

His open arms welcome me immediately.
I release pain even before I receive understanding.
That way my heart is clear of hindrance...
I keep the pipeline free of contamination.
So understanding, the Holy Spirit can bring.

As I open up to let go, He pours into me
Words, impressions, understanding, thoughts too.
Emotions want to rule... I choose Not...that route.
Crucifying the flesh is a 'Must Do' daily, hourly...
It is the only way to successfully get through.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit convicts me
Of wrong doing on my part, sometimes not.
Always He and I converse, commune, fellowship
Until I am free of the pain, able to move forward
Because to harbor unforgiveness...means to rot.

Poison within caused by unforgiveness can be seen
Through countenance, attitude, words, and tone.
Some will discern this more than others
Yet will often know when something is wrong,
Even through the voice on the phone.

Can anyone hide...what is inside...?
Absolutely do not think differently.
What is inside comes out...all in due season.
Check God's track record and you'll know
A tree is known by its' see...

Some fruit you see, some you hear,
Some you discern within, but all tells a story.
Consequently, be a fruit inspector of 'self'
As daily...obedience, faith walking, faith talk
Brings to God much glory.

If fruit has been bruised, damaged, make a change.
Do what? Remove, prune that which must leave...
So as to prepare for more growth each day; 
Issues must be dealt with quickly and effectively
So as the Holy grieve.

When pain is felt one's immediate response
Is to open mouth and cry out
Telling others how much it hurts...
God's way differs...crying out to Him fast
Is opportunity to remove pain, fear, doubt.

Healing occurs at the speed of your ability
To believe truth, act on the Word, and receive.
Telling others of issues is healing time wasted
If heart is full of faith God's Face
Is What To DO As Faith... Will BELIEVE!!

Circumstances change proportionate to yielding
To the Holy Ghost, following instructions too.
New habits established prove change within
As obedience to the voice of the Master Mentor
Proves to result in more fruit, good fruit, so "DO!"

God is no respecter of persons; change is required
For you too...Brothers, Sisters, Family of God, all.
I pray for increased spiritual growth in everyone
And that it will be seen and tasted by many
As good fruit is produced in answer to God's call.

Romans 2:11 "For there is no respect of persons with God."

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
Glory To God