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August 06, 2011


God`s love for each person on the bus is one reason the Holy Spirit leads me to pray for the salvation of each one every day, and for opportunities to sow seeds as He prepares their hearts.  You know, it is one thing to evangelize, it is another thing to be a witness by appearance, attitude, actions, expressions.  I say that because I don`t get a lot of chances to speak English with someone.  Simply because much of the time I hear two and three languages being spoken simultaneously, and  80% of the people are talking on cell phones.

I have wondered what this world is coming to, then I begin to think this IS the WORLD!  I am IN it, but thank God I am not OF it.  No offense to anyone, because that is scripture.  Only those who know Jesus as their Savior  will understand the meaning.  Suffice to say I am with others as I travel this world, but I am not a part of them...I am part of the Kingdom of God.  God has called me out....separated me, and I am truly thankful.  

First He called me out, set me apart, taught me some things, then set me right back in the world, but not of it.  I am here to make a difference.  Being different because of being white and having long natural platinum hair, is not the same as "making a difference".  I am an Ambassador for Jesus Christ and I want my witness to be effective.  Though I am quite conspicuous in a world of individuals with medium to dark skin, as well as dark hair, it is their heart I am concerned about.  I may feel alone in the crowd even though I am sure some are Christians, but I am aware Jesus will never leave me.  He was there by the power of the Holy Spirit when one man caused a scene because he had been drinking.  Everyone else has been kind, polite and shown me respect.  God has been faithful to protect me.  I apply Psalms 91 daily and wear the armor of God.  It is wonderful to not be bound with fear.
************************************ Take a Little Breather ***********************************

One more little encounter:  I was talking to a black man on the bus, I know him from church.  A white lady stared at me and with such was obvious my communicating with him angered her greatly.  I kept smiling and chatting with him and refused to be intimidated.  She is the one losing out because no matter the color of skin, the spirit has much to offer to those that are open to receive.  No wonder I am so blessed.  Now my friends are so without color sometimes I have to stop and think what color they are if someone asks me!  Praise the Lord....that kind of  "color blind" is "good", and brings glory to God. I daresay it "Pleases Jesus!"
One more little story from my journey of life.  I was about to walk past a store when I felt a strong nudge to go inside.  Once inside I found myself surrounded with clothes from India, jewellery display cases, lots of fabrics also.  I did not see a clerk though I was in center of he small storefront, but I heard a voice.  I turned to see a woman seated with fabric on her knees.  She asked if she could help me.

My immediate thought was she will have to drop the fabric to serve me, and come over here...but it was hot so I overlooked her lack of public relations skills.  (Meaning if you want to have a customer purchase something, you serve them by showing interest, not by staying seated.)  I walked to her and started visiting with her.  She was so surprised her mouth dropped open and she almost dropped the fabric as she stood up quickly.  From that moment on she could not do enough for me.  She was sincere, too.  She made eye contact and showed respect.  I appreciated her new found efforts.  Her whole demeanor changed and she blossomed with skills as she served me.

Her quick change was reflected in her countenance.  I sought the Lord and He revealed some things to me that helped me understand.  He revealed to me that this woman`s slowness to rise and serve me, a customer, was because she did not view me initially as a customer.  She viewed me as someone who would show ignorance by being demeaning, and had no intention of purchasing anything.  This is because of past experiences she encountered with white women.  Yet when she saw I was friendly, approached her without any offense, but with respect, she arose and could not do enough for me.

My spirit was grieved to think she had been so hurt in the past.  I tried on a top and said, "But there is only one problem....I do not speak your language...."  (yet I was wearing a pretty cream colored top from India).  "...Is it okay?"  She looked at me and smiled from ear to ear...... to even think of me learning her language to fit to speak.  Nothing was said about religion...but we both knew there were differences.  She saw the little cross I
wore with a shroud on it.  I saw the religious figures in her store.

I came to show love, not to condemn.  I came to show love.  God helped me.  The Holy Spirit taught me. When I left we both were happy.  Since then I have been back and purchased another top.  But that is not the end of the witness.  When I walk from the bus to the office I see many women from all countries and they see this white woman wearing their top.  Now... the women that before would not hardly make eye contact if we met outside, look at me and smile and even greet me.  I call that Breakthrough.  
The same thing has happened with women who keep their head covered, but not their face and we meet in the parking lot.  I smile at them...... and now after many times....they are smiling back.  Recently one lady wiggled her fingers to wave at me when we greeted.  Yet another breakthrough though we do not speak the same language. Little is much when in it!!

There IS such a thing as body language, acceptance, respect, etc.  I think that is what Jesus would have me do because "love never fails."  He is pulling down walls and knows who to use and when; so I do not worry about the language barrier.  He`s preparing someone and in due season that person will have a word in season, glory to God.  I do pray that what I have shared, though very simple little incidents, helps you to see how easy it is to show someone love,  acceptance, respect, and to communicate regardless of language barriers.  Sometimes it starts simply with a smile.  Make a `Smile`......Your `Style`!  :-)))  But first, please ask yourself this question:     

How about all your friends have the same color skin...... if so...who has the problem....THINK.  I did not write this as a reminder of messing up.  It is for you to do some soul searching.....and I pray the Holy Spirit will reveal to you right now any incidents you need to deal with in a more effective manner.  Be willing to you can be used more effectively by God.  The decision is yours.  I pray you make a wise decision.  Blessings.....are waiting if you do.  Hindsight:  I don`t know which is worse: recognizing racism on my part, or not recognizing it at all.  I do not want to be guilty of either.  So deal with any racism, so we can get on to the next blog about a new perspective.  (Thanks for taking time to read....I appreciate you and pray my words result in changes that are beneficial for you and for others.) 


Today I shared a few personal experiences with some of the youth at church and their reaction stirred me to write.  We only had a few minutes to visit because they were preparing to leave on a trip, yet the Holy Spirit got in on the conversation.  Next thing I knew I was sharing something I hardly had time to think about, let alone share publicly, because it only happened the night before!  BUT GOD... knows how to pull those words up from deep inside my well and much to my amazement I found myself talking about `Racism` to a group of black students.   

I told them about coming to Toronto a year ago, moving into a multicultural home with women from Brazil, Vietnam, Jamaica, and Canada.  Then I joined a multicultural church with people of every color from many different countries.  (It has been proven to be very educational for me, thankfully.)  Since I get the bus home it just so happens that 90% of the time I am the only white lady on the bus. By now I was getting used to it; at least I thought I was until a certain incident occurred yesterday.  

The bus started once again and when I looked up I saw a white lady with short blonde hair seated near me.  She was wearing a long black skirt and I found myself looking at her bare feet because they were so white!  The pink sandals were pretty, but her feet were sooooo white!!  I looked up after thinking these thoughts and got convicted for staring at her feet!  I could hardly believe I did it.  But she was the first white person I saw on the bus in weeks, or so it seemed at that moment anyway.  There was nothing wrong with her.  She was attractive, nicely dressed, poised.

I stared because she was so different from everyone else.  I was so engrossed in wondering what she was doing on that bus and if she was wondering the same thing about me; that it took a moment before I got convicted by the Holy Spirit.  He reminded me that my feet are sooooo white...too!  I hardly knew where to look after that because it is so true.  (I don`t think there is anyone in the world that really likes everything... about their body.) FYI: Feel free to laugh....I can`t hear you so it won`t bother me a bit. 

As the bus proceeded down the street I found myself having a little talk with Jesus.  I said silently...."Lord, what is the matter with me, I can not believe I was staring at that lady like she was from Mars...or somewhere...!"` He said...."You stared because she was different from the majority; not because something was wrong with her.  The same has happened to you so remember that.  If you see eleven roses of one particular color and one white rose, what will the majority look at?"  I said, "The white rose."  I got the message.

When I told those students I caught myself staring at a white woman on the bus they thought that was so funny.  They really got tickled.  I have to believe the Lord was doing a little work on their hearts... as well as mine.  In all honesty, there have been times when I look around that bus and I almost wonder what country I am in.  So many faces of all nationalities, yet rarely white.

As I sit there it is so easy to imagine seeing Jesus and hearing the song...."Jesus loves the little children....all the children of the and yellow, black and white...they are precious in his sight....Jesus loves the little children of the world!"  It brings tears to my eyes because in my heart I know he dearly loves each and every person on that bus.  My next blog will reveal how he moves on my heart because of his love for everyone.

 Written By:  Linda L. Jones
                     Glory To God
                     PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.


Doodalee, doodalee, do do do!  My feet want to dance because of this breakthrough!!!  Why?  Because I serve a problem solving God who uses people.  When I turned my computer on this morning it did not participate with the command.  The battery was not dead.  Yet the screen remained black.  Not good.  

I prayed, phoned a tech friend and followed his instruction to no avail.  Prayed more.  Phoned another friend not to talk about it, but to have a little Saturday fellowship.  I was determined not to let this problem pull my spirit down. 

It was definitely not a coincidence that the friend I phoned had company.  Someone was visiting that knows a lot more about computers than I do!  We connected by phone and I followed one instruction.  Success....the power connected and restoration was the result.  Immediately I had a surge of anointing and desire to pray for that person.  It was so exhilarating to pray knowing God was at work and more than willing to bless EVERY person involved.  We prayed in the Name of Jesus and know He touched each heart and moved some mountains too.  

So this is my fresh testimony today.  I just had to tell you because THIS is a classic example of how to recognize the hand of God at work.  It did not matter that we were 1600 miles apart, geographically.  Perhaps I should point out that listening to the Holy Spirit and following His instructions first is a must.  Step by step he led me and problems were solved many miles away because of computer technology, not to mention the fact that there is no distance in prayer.  

Plus as stated in Jeremiah 32:27 "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.  Nothing is too hard for me."  No wonder I love Jesus so much...every day is exciting when you recognize his hand at work on your behalf.  EVERY DAY!  Glory to God!!!  

As my bio says.....I am a Happy, Healthy, Christian Lady.  Now you know the Reason 'Why'.  His Name is JESUS CHRIST!!!  :-)))  Do YOU....know Savior? 

Written By: Linda L. Jones
                      Glory To God
                      PS.45:1 "My tongue is the pen
                      of a ready writer."