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August 06, 2011


Today I shared a few personal experiences with some of the youth at church and their reaction stirred me to write.  We only had a few minutes to visit because they were preparing to leave on a trip, yet the Holy Spirit got in on the conversation.  Next thing I knew I was sharing something I hardly had time to think about, let alone share publicly, because it only happened the night before!  BUT GOD... knows how to pull those words up from deep inside my well and much to my amazement I found myself talking about `Racism` to a group of black students.   

I told them about coming to Toronto a year ago, moving into a multicultural home with women from Brazil, Vietnam, Jamaica, and Canada.  Then I joined a multicultural church with people of every color from many different countries.  (It has been proven to be very educational for me, thankfully.)  Since I get the bus home it just so happens that 90% of the time I am the only white lady on the bus. By now I was getting used to it; at least I thought I was until a certain incident occurred yesterday.  

The bus started once again and when I looked up I saw a white lady with short blonde hair seated near me.  She was wearing a long black skirt and I found myself looking at her bare feet because they were so white!  The pink sandals were pretty, but her feet were sooooo white!!  I looked up after thinking these thoughts and got convicted for staring at her feet!  I could hardly believe I did it.  But she was the first white person I saw on the bus in weeks, or so it seemed at that moment anyway.  There was nothing wrong with her.  She was attractive, nicely dressed, poised.

I stared because she was so different from everyone else.  I was so engrossed in wondering what she was doing on that bus and if she was wondering the same thing about me; that it took a moment before I got convicted by the Holy Spirit.  He reminded me that my feet are sooooo white...too!  I hardly knew where to look after that because it is so true.  (I don`t think there is anyone in the world that really likes everything... about their body.) FYI: Feel free to laugh....I can`t hear you so it won`t bother me a bit. 

As the bus proceeded down the street I found myself having a little talk with Jesus.  I said silently...."Lord, what is the matter with me, I can not believe I was staring at that lady like she was from Mars...or somewhere...!"` He said...."You stared because she was different from the majority; not because something was wrong with her.  The same has happened to you so remember that.  If you see eleven roses of one particular color and one white rose, what will the majority look at?"  I said, "The white rose."  I got the message.

When I told those students I caught myself staring at a white woman on the bus they thought that was so funny.  They really got tickled.  I have to believe the Lord was doing a little work on their hearts... as well as mine.  In all honesty, there have been times when I look around that bus and I almost wonder what country I am in.  So many faces of all nationalities, yet rarely white.

As I sit there it is so easy to imagine seeing Jesus and hearing the song...."Jesus loves the little children....all the children of the and yellow, black and white...they are precious in his sight....Jesus loves the little children of the world!"  It brings tears to my eyes because in my heart I know he dearly loves each and every person on that bus.  My next blog will reveal how he moves on my heart because of his love for everyone.

 Written By:  Linda L. Jones
                     Glory To God
                     PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

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