Humor is incredibly important. Having a sense of humor is even more important. Exercising a healthy sense of humor is at least as important as taking vitamins daily. A good laugh massages the liver! Helps you relax! Smile...you are on your way... :-)
I was amazed when I found so little to read online about this topic. At least humor that stimulates a good laugh and is not at the expense of someone else. Humor that does not cross lines, and is simply good clean fun. Jesus gave us an ability to laugh for a reason. Maybe we should study that out a bit and find out when he laughed and why it is so important. After all, it is not like we have to go buy it like Vitamins...we have it Within. Do we exercise it? If not, why not? I am thinking it is a "GOLD MINE" that has not been 'tapped into'. I plan to do some 'tapping'. Kinda makes me feel like a woodpecker, but that is okay.
Anything of great value usually has to be resurrected.... so to speak... like Diamonds... Oil... & 'Humor!" Makes you think doesn't it... I pray we all 'Have' a sense of humor and 'Exercise' it daily. Release the joy within...a good belly laugh never hurt anyone except the person laughing so hard their belly hurts. How many times have you heard someone say: That felt sooooooo good...having a good laugh like that. I have not had such a good laugh for ages!! I challenge you to exercise your sense of humor... spread a little joy in the house!! "A merry heart does good like a medicine".