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March 19, 2014

#110. 31914 God's Way Works

No matter how much beauty the eyes see
If within the heart there is agony
Conflict must be resolved
Before joy is restored, resurrected
For all to see.

Since the eyes are the mirror to the soul
There is no hiding the conflict, turmoil. unrest
On the other hand, there is an answer
A way to remove darkness, agony, etc.
The Way…is Jesus…He's the Best!

All that is required is to take authority
Over your mind, your turf, God's given you
Rebuke satan and his adversaries in the Name of Jesus
Plead the blood of Jesus head to toe
And read God's Word…is a "MUST DO".

Doing things God's way works.
If anyone has a plan, purpose, for you
It is God, your Creator, so trust Him
Because your assignment is not complete
You are far from through.

Though it may seem little is happening
Each day is opportunity for progress
Opportunity to learn
From the best and use the tools God gave you 
As your testimony results from the past mess.

Your experiences are unique
Your testimony grows with each day
Know that God is fully ware of your trials
The Holy Spirit reveals what you need to do
Faithfully giving Divine instructions in many a way.

When you ask questions expect answers
When you pray the Word God moves on your behalf
When you pray in agreement with another
Power is released and victory is yours
So live, love, and by the way, it's okay to laugh!

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
Psalm 45:1 "My tongue is the tongue of a ready writer." 
Glory to God

February 28, 2014

#108 THINK

Just the word 'Think'
Makes me want to stop everything
And do exactly that

If more time were spent thinking
Before moving forward
I have a hunch that time
Would be used more wisely

Getting your ducks in a row
So to speak
Is not a foolish thing to do
It is for a purpose

It helps you
And others too
Organizing effectively
Is a timesaver

When you value time
You will succeed far more
Than someone
With complete disregard

You decide which category
Fits you perfectly
As for me the desire to succeed
Resulted in being more time conscious

Recently I saw someone
First time in five years
That five years flew by
It was a turning point moment

When five years can pass that quickly
I knew guarding my time was not an option
Setting new perimeters, boundaries
Needed to be implemented

It is one thing for someone else
To have no regard for the value of time
It is another thing if I do so
After this rude awakening, so to speak

It was a thorn moment that caused pain
Brought me out of denial
Because the truth was bright
No retreating, not again

Make my life count Lord
Is what I want to do
My heart aches for those in pain
So little time, so few laborers

Before 5 years passes by again
I pray by reading this right now
You will be awakened as well
To value and use your time wisely

Time can not be stockpiled
When it is gone it is gone forever
And ask the Holy Spirit to help you

Plan your day, prophesy to your day
Make every day count in some special way
As in Christ you learn, and teach others
Life is not all play

Jesus fulfilled his responsibility
As His disciples we have responsibilities too
And we are accountable for every second
We've been given so take time to 'think'

Wasted time is costly
Time is currency
How you use it
Is your decision

Psalm 139:17 tells us clearly
God thinks about you and I
If He takes time to think
I reckon we need to also

I know one lady
That has a 'Thinking Chair"
That is where she sits to think
Feel free to do the same

You just may be inspired to sit
More often than you think
Yet results of more thinking
Will not be time wasted

Thinking more will result eventually
In less time simply sitting
Let 'Thinking' be your difference
And see what God will do

He's our example and God thinks
So let's raise the bar right now
And set a specific time daily
To do exactly that

Written By: Linda Lou Jones

Psalm 45:1 "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."

Psalm 139:17 (Qwikscan)  "How precious are thy thoughts unto me, they are more in number than the sand…"

February 26, 2014


Words from a preacher's mouth painted a picture
On the walls of my mind
He referred to David picking up 5 stones
Out of a creek and I saw his hand
Reach for the first one...
Embrace it as he lifted it up 
Out of the crystal clear cold flowing water
Then I saw more in the spirit realm
As the Holy Spirit 
Ministered to me

That pebble in his hand seemed harmless
It had been in the creek for so long
Even the rough edges were now smooth
Though it appeared nothing was happening
Time did not create the changes
Action of the water produced change
As the pebble remained in position
For years and years
While being prepared 
                                                For an assignment   (Side Note: 30 years for Jesus)

That little pebble needed to be embraced
By a slingshot 
Not just any slingshot
One that had been used repeatedly
By a Shepherd with good eyesight
Accuracy supreme
A dream within
About to manifest
As he was prepared
To 'Bulls Eye' Goliath

He then used Goliath's sword
So as to complete his decision
To kill the giant, not pay taxes
Receive a lot of money
 Marry the King's daughter
God did not instruct him
He made a wise decision
Completed his goal 
Resulting in changed lives
For many

The pebble that withstood storms
While in the creek for years
Symbolic of you and I
Encountering life's battles daily
Storms, sunshine, rain, wind, adversity
Exposed to attempts to steal, kill, destroy
Yet maintaining position repeatedly
Due to staying close to the Holy Spirit
Our River of Life Within
Living Water Nourishing Us

A 'Pebble' feeding on God's Word
Not only results in mindset changes
As storms like sandpaper rub repeatedly
Until change, yielding, submission occurs
Resulting in increased patience, good fruit
And opportunity for faith to grow
When it appears as if nothing is happening
Yet confidence in God increases
Because Faith comes by hearing the Word
A Pebble with power, love, sound mind results

Like a Gold Medalist well prepared
Confident the vision within
Will come to fruition
 "With God All Things Are Possible"
The Pebble is released from that slingshot
Only to find it's mark precisely
Mission Accomplished, Done Deal
Be ready to hit the mark
God needs more than one

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
Psalm 45:1 "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."

February 18, 2014

 #106.    God Reached Down From Heaven 

God reached down from Heaven today
Stirred Dr. Mike Murdock's heart
Gave Him an instruct to share online
A glorious opportunity
For those who listened
Which included me.

I knew by the Sprit of God
What the Opportunity would be
So I knew participating
Was not an option for me.

A Pastor and his entire family
Live in two rooms only
In Pakistan.
Dr. Murdock supports one daughter in school.
The Pastor has no car.

The Holy Spirit said just as Moses needed 70 to help
Ask 70 to help with this need, $7,000.00 to buy a car.
Then support with $10.00 a month for one year.
This helps with food and gas and to get established.
The Pastor travels to other towns, had accident scooter.

God hand picked this family
Then God hand picked 70 people on the phone today
People like me who want to help others, and I do.
I have a large comfortable room at a hotel
They live in two rooms only, the entire family.

I lay on the floor and wept for this family
I've not met, don't know, yet God gave compassion
So I want their needs met and more
Doesn't everyone…

Unfortunately,  no, cause some spectate
But I chose to participate.
I am an investor in Pakistan now
I'll note this important date. (2.18.14)

By phone I sowed Seed
I am  deeply touched and so thankful
That I am so blessed yet want to do more.
Thank God for M300 teaching at noon daily.

God picked 70 people to participate.
Little is much when God is in it.
When a Preacher asks you to sow
Hear…the voice of the Holy Spirit…#Know.

When God asks you to sow
He's got a Harvest on His mind.
Let's make wise decisions, not be distracted
So our address the Harvest does…find.

Glory to God. 

Written By:Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."

Listen to M300 at noon daily: Button 15  M300
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