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December 03, 2011

#67. THIS Is What It's All About  

My quick stop at Shopper's Drug Mart provided an opportunity to be bold. It was another one of those times of being 'Instant in Season' we are told. The clerk was looking after my items when four teenage girls came in.  They stood right behind me while talking together.  One was not hesitant to raise her voice in response to her friend, and say something with foul language.  She was about three feet from me.

I looked over at her...right in the eye.  She froze, looked at me and I said in a normal voice, "I don't want to hear that....I don't want to hear talk like that.  This is a public place." She looked like I struck her in the stomach, well the truth has power to convict.  Then she said, "All right...and spoke loudly and briefly in another language." I'll let you guess what she said.  Since the rebellion was strong I simply said, again, same tone of voice as I used before.....even softer...  "It's all about .......r e s p e c t."  (Filthy language is still not good even if NOT in a public place.)

None of her friends said a word, and she stayed silent.  I continued with the clerk, we visited like there had been no incident, I got my things and left.  Then I caught myself thinking (I hope they don't come out the store and start yelling at me as I am walking home.)  "Lord"...I prayed...."I know I am in the world but not of it, but lately it seems no matter where I go there is some kind of incident like this."  The Holy Spirit said, "True.  I like using you."  

I then tried to decide if that was a compliment or not.  It just goes to show, we really do have to be ready...24/7. And folks, I am well aware this is small stuff. Yet people need to read the 'how to' apply the love of Jesus in a practical every day situation.  Classic example.  It is how I live. I live it then write it to the glory of God.

It would have been easy not to say anything.  The majority would not have.  Yet, to say nothing is to condone sin!  Hello?!!  The sin of DISRESPECT and I have come too far not to speak up and let it be known, I am changing the atmosphere...with God's help!  I will not be guilty of being a Christian whose mouth is silent because of fear of offending someone.  The Word offends people's flesh so do we stop speaking the Word of God?  Think!

As I walked out of there and had my little talk with the Lord he gave me something else to say.....if I happen to run into a similar situation again.  He was giving me ammunition for the spiritual battle.  He said I could say to the person:  "Your face was pretty...until you opened your mouth." I said, "Lord, THAT is a Tweet!"  He told me to turn it into a blog post.  I did. :))

Hope you see there is a way to be a bright light, speak the truth with love, not cause a scene, not get religious, yet allow the Holy Spirit to convict, then move on peacefully.  Each of those teenagers will remember what was said.  I pray it is seed that produces a good harvest.  Think...before speaking especially if your words show disrespect.   If every believer would do a little bit, let their light shine, before long a whole lot of good would be done.  

Think about it.  There is far more graffiti coming out of peoples mouths than there is being painted on buildings, bridge, and overpasses.  People have their own way of drawing attention so in case you happen to be in the so called 'line of fire' be ready.  Answer their cry for help.  I did and you can too.  The righteous are bold as a lion.  CARE.....Enough......To.....Confront, Please. 

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
                      PS. 45:1 My tongue is the pen
                      Of a ready writer.
                      Glory To God.
 Twitter:       rightlady7