#106. God Reached Down From Heaven
God reached down from Heaven today
Stirred Dr. Mike Murdock's heart
Gave Him an instruct to share online
A glorious opportunity
For those who listened
Which included me.
I knew by the Sprit of God
What the Opportunity would be
So I knew participating
Was not an option for me.
A Pastor and his entire family
Live in two rooms only
In Pakistan.
Dr. Murdock supports one daughter in school.
The Pastor has no car.
The Holy Spirit said just as Moses needed 70 to help
Ask 70 to help with this need, $7,000.00 to buy a car.
Then support with $10.00 a month for one year.
This helps with food and gas and to get established.
The Pastor travels to other towns, had accident scooter.
God hand picked this family
Then God hand picked 70 people on the phone today
People like me who want to help others, and I do.
I have a large comfortable room at a hotel
They live in two rooms only, the entire family.
I lay on the floor and wept for this family
I've not met, don't know, yet God gave compassion
So I want their needs met and more
Doesn't everyone…
Unfortunately, no, cause some spectate
But I chose to participate.
I am an investor in Pakistan now
I'll note this important date. (2.18.14)
By phone I sowed Seed
I am deeply touched and so thankful
That I am so blessed yet want to do more.
Thank God for M300 teaching at noon daily.
God picked 70 people to participate.
Little is much when God is in it.
When a Preacher asks you to sow
Hear…the voice of the Holy Spirit…#Know.
When God asks you to sow
He's got a Harvest on His mind.
Let's make wise decisions, not be distracted
So our address the Harvest does…find.
Glory to God.
Written By:Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
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