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April 15, 2012

#71.  Stop...Look...Listen...And THINK!

Picture a field covered in a blanket of pure white snow flakes.
Pristine footprints, no marks or dents or discolouration at all.
Simply something magnificent that occurred as one by one
Snowflakes so very tiny continued to change something so huge....
Acres and acres of land far more huge than one snowflake
Yet as the flakes remained in unity they produced something beautiful
For all to see and in total silence as well as each snowflake fell.
The handiwork of God for all to see so clearly.
Yet think about the message God could bestow by taking time to:
Stop....look....listen....and T H I N K !
One tiny snowflake changed acres of landscape
Simply by remaining united with others of like kind.
Soon something beautiful was produced; and seemingly effortlessly.
How much more can Christ Centered Believers accomplish? 
Believers who know and use their gifts, and are in the center of their assignment
Walking in unity as God’s love flows freely.  
Stop....Look....Listen....and THINK...!
What gift or gifts has God given you to use for His glory?
Do you know your assignment ... are you in the center of it?  
God has a lotta, lotta, lotta love to release through you... to many.
To be most effective you need to know your difference, so you can market it.
Know and operate in your God given assignment with confidence.
You have no competition whatsoever because there is only one ‘YOU’
So ask God to use you for His glory, but first take time daily to do this:

Stop....Look....Listen....and THINK...!
P.S.  I also recommend the book “The Assignment” by Dr. Mike Murdock
Written By: Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. 
Glory to God