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March 08, 2013


One Question:  What ever happened to the “True Blue…To The Core”?  Meaning: those that will speak only Truth…without fail.  Honesty is like an unchanging anchor in their life that causes them to be outstanding in any crowd, without fail.  How do I know?

Because I know someone who is “True Blue To The Core” and has been for decades. Consequently, any darkness that gets near this person is easily exposed.  The brighter the light, the more difficult it is for darkness to hide. Think about it…there can be dark corners in a room with a light on, but in the life of a believer who keeps depositing the Word of God a displacement occurs.  Light removes darkness.  It happens within first, proving that spending time depositing God’s word within… is never time wasted.  Rather it is ‘displacement time’.  Law of displacement.

If the Word of God has been deposited within daily, repeatedly, even when not understanding it yet faithfully reading, listening, good things are happening on the inside.  Of that you can be sure because the Word of God is not like any other ‘words’.  Each word is alive.  Depositing living water within is what occurs through the reading of God’s Word.  The more the Word is read the more darkness gets exposed.  Changes happen within first, prior to the outward manifestation.  It is the Word of God at work, and The Word Works!  Just whetting your appetite for the Word because that is the area the enemy tries hardest to defeat believers.

So why aren’t there more believers who are “True Blue To The Core”?  Why are there so many believers who refuse to be totally honest?!! Why is a mask worn when there is a problem, rather than admitting being offended?  Why say instead…too busy for you now…?   Why are excuses given, rather than being upfront, honest, and dealing with issues?  It is not until there is a disagreement…that you have opportunity to adapt.  That is when you find out if you are handling adversity effectively because the result will be agreement. 

Do you?  Why are there so few that are willing to do so…is it fear of rejection, fear of losing control if the inner anger starts to be released and truth comes out? Is there a volcano of pain stuffed within that once the lid comes off it can no longer be contained?  Thus, fear of losing control…yet not recognizing the decision to house such pain is controlling self.) 

Is there a problem dealing with emotions effectively?  Is it easier to handle issues with emails than in person, or by phone?  Are the phone and computer used as a barrier of protection…so to speak?  If so, there are a lot more issues within that need to be dealt with because whatever the current issue is, that was only the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak.   What is being stockpiled within?  Is it unresolved issues, is it offense, is it anger extreme, is it hurt, is it pain, is it rejection, is it all of the above…or none?

Whatever it is, you know better than anyone so one by one, ask the Holy Spirit to help you walk out the darkness in each situation until every wound is healed.  Then you are not only healed, cleansed, made stronger, but set free to be a believer who is “True Blue To The Core”.  This is simply part of the daily walk with the Lord Jesus Christ as we do encounter difficulties because we are in a spiritual battle.  Yet if we do not keep our spirit in good condition we will be like soldiers in God’s Army full of wounds, bandages, and much pain, infection, because unhealed wounds easily spread. 

They cause not only pain; but more words can be released such as gossip, or a tongue lashing occurs against the person you got offended at. Easier to criticize someone to another, (and God hates sowing discord among the brethren…) than it is to humble self and start facing facts and issues within. Especially when the person who the offense is at, apologized, though offense was not intended.  To continue to a have broken relationship is undeniable fruit, not how Jesus calls the body of Christ to function.

When the root of bitterness, unforgiveness is not dealt with effectively, the fruit will be obvious to others as bad fruit.  Kind of a dangerous place to be for anyone around you because you become like a dog that is wounded and such a dog will even bite its owner… who only means good, no harm!  Hurting dogs bite people, and hurting people hurt people.  If Jesus harbored pain from wounds he received when he walked on earth in his earthly body…how would love flow out to others when he spoke?  Love flowed because forgiveness flowed fast.  Even on the cross…forgive them…for they know not what they do. He forgave, we can and must, too.  

Jesus walked in love and he is our example.  He prayed all night.  Do you think perhaps some of his prayers were for the healing of his own spirit because of how he was treated?  Jesus kept himself free of unforgiveness, revenge, poison. He “chose”…to walk in love.  If instead, Jesus withdrew and isolated himself because of hurts received…how would that help us? He makes it clear that withdrawal is not the answer for progress spiritually.  Nor is denial.

If there is a process of maturing taking place in the life of a believer this is an area where confronting will be done to resolve, maintain unity.  To be denied that opportunity, is not scriptural.  However, it is also not scriptural to give opportunity to talk it out and then not be honest; rather side step the root reason and throw up an excuse.  Excuses simply erect a so-called smoke screen to deflect from the area where offense was conceived, or a spiritual arrow hit whether intentional or not. Result is, the wound stays and good is not accomplished though an effort was made.  People can not change people, but people can change themselves with God’s help.   

If individuals truly want to be Christ like, there is a desire for unity, harmony, peace, love to flow, and forgiveness to be fast and sincere.  If we want to be like Jesus Christ can we justify not dealing with issues let alone not dealing with issues honestly?  Choosing to harbor pain is hanging on to it.  To forgive, one must be willing to let it go, release it completely, sincerely, so as to no longer be a victim. Unforgiveness, and not dealing with issues hurts each individual far more than anyone else. It is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Or going for marriage counseling and one party lies repeatedly.  Honesty is a must, not an option!

Prior… to becoming an overcomer in Christ, the pain has to be released and forgiveness also.  It is not complicated yet why…again I ask, why are there so few that are “True Blue To The Core”?  I pray for many more in the body of Christ to receive total healing and make a commitment to be honest, never lie, not even a white lie, as they raise the bar in their lives and become like my Mentor Dr. Mike Murdock…  “True Blue To The Core”.

The fruit in his life proves why he has completed 47 Highly Successful Years In The Ministry; Has Over 105,000 Followers on Twitter; Has Written Over 330 Books, and 6000 Songs! 

The Fruit In His Life Is The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit…to the Glory of God.  We know Jesus is our example. Our decisions decide our success. Dr. Murdock is proof that we can do this “While On This Earth So Lets Raise The Bar” And Be: “True Blue To The Core”!

I honor you Dr. Mike Murdock, and thank you for being an example of “WORLD CLASS”…  “True Blue To The Core”!  Without fail, the Holy Spirit through you, inspires me and multitude’s more and more to be “True Blue To The Core”!! THANK YOU!! (Through your teachings the Holy Spirit gave me a hunger for the Word of God and a desire to keep raising the spiritual bar!)  Thus, I ‘Honor’ You.
                                                 Glory To God.

Acts 6:3 “…seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom…”
1Peter 2:12 “…have your conversation honest…
Phil.4:8 “…whatsoever things are honest,…”
Romans 13:13 “…walk honestly….not in strife and envying.”
Romans 12:17 “…provide things honest in the sight of all men.”
Luke 8:15 “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.”

Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 “…My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
Glory To God