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October 27, 2011

It would be so nice NOT..... to have to write this tonight!  Thy will be done...Lord...means exactly that, so here goes.  Usually I have victory in my spirit,THEN...I write about something I learned.  Tonight I have to write about an hour after I discovered something that was extremely annoying and painful to my spirit.

Bottom Line:  My winter clothes have been stolen, they are gone! When not a safe place...even though doors are was the case is an opportunity to help others see that sometimes the so-called snake is already IN..... the foxhole!!  So I am using this incident as a wake-up call for others.  Hopefully, you will prevent any violation occurring whether it be to self, others, or things. Forewarned is forearmed.   Don't look FOR trouble, rather be wise, alert, safe, always.
As for me, when the Holy Spirit revealed how it happened my energy plummeted. I had been struck by the enemy through someone under the same roof.  I hate deception, and I hate theft.  It is a violation, a deep wound to the spirit.  Crying won't help, yet the pain is real and deep.  

Let's check God's perspective.  He sees when you take time to sow seeds of love, patience, kindness, to someone.  He hears when you share testimony.  Your behavior is pleasing to the Lord.  Nevertheless, it does not mean you never get attacked by demonic activity.  

How I respond to deception, theft, slither, violations, betrayal, is up to me.  I can choose to crucify the flesh and stand on the Word of God for restoration. (I like that word “Restoration” more and more.) Another response could be to email the thief, confront, yell, get angry, cry, let emotions rule, and that changes nothing...except permeate the atmosphere with negative energy and possibly release a bit of steam.
A thief knows he/she is a thief.  They do not have to be told.  A thief chooses his/her behavior with each theft that occurs.  It very likely increases if they are not caught.  Their mind tells them they can do this and get away with it...but that is deception.  It is how the enemy works...through deception.  The socalled treadmill increases in speed and the bondage intensifies until sooner or later arrest occurs.
My reaction was to release some tears because theft is a deep wound to the spirit. It is a violation.  Theft hurts.  Then I experienced some anger at the thief as well as at self for allowing such a thing to happen.  Yet my bedroom door was it didn't take long to stop condemning myself.  It is a lock very easy to open. You would think your home would be a safe place.  The safest!! Not necessarily true so this is a 'head's up' to everyone.

I pray the Holy Spirit shows each reader if there is any violation, or potential violation that they need to be aware of, or take measures to prevent.  Listen deep within and let him minister to you. Not only potential loss of material things but violation of any kind that you are unaware of...I pray it be revealed to you now. It may involve someone else in your home who needs you to intervene.

Violation can cover a large area. I won't go there. Suffice to say God can show you what you need to know....give you eyes to see spiritually.  Even if it is only one person it will be worth this time writing because protection may be needed by someone. Don't go into denial, deal with whatever the Holy Spirit reveals to you...with His help. He is your helper, comforter, friend. Talk with him...he will advise.

My decision has been to lay down the entire violation, and stand on the Word that tells me the enemy has been found, the thief has been caught and he has to restore seven fold so I told him that in the Name of Jesus.  No matter who the impure vessel is that the enemy used....the important thing is to take authority spiritually.  I did.  Now I can praise and thank God in advance for restoration because the Word Works. Faith pleases God too.

  I am glad nothing is hid from God, and when it comes to vengeance, He does it best!  I leave that in His capable hands and know when He turns things around the thief will know God has accomplished vengeance. 

To be offended and hang onto the hurt pulls my spirit down.  When I decided to forgive, pray for my enemy, believe for restoration of all that was stolen, I stay FREE.  Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.    

Yes, bad things happen to good people.  How good people respond reveals what or 'Who' is on the inside.  A tree is known by its fruit.  Has anyone stolen from you?  What kind of fruit are you producing?  The decision is yours.  I pray you make a wise decision...with God's help.  Stay free of offense and you will be more effective in the Kingdom of God.  Love Never Fails. 

(FYI: This happened in the past, but needs to be shared now.)