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August 28, 2011

#46.  Peace...Wonderful Peace Within

Peace.....peace wonderful.
Peace within is my umpire.
Peace within is my prescription for permission.
Permission to continue as I have been.
When the Holy Spirit gives a new instruction
I will obey and follow through, until then though...
I stay sensitive to that wonderful peace within.
It is really not so do.
There will be times I do things different from the majority.
As long as I do so, and continue to have peace within
It really and truly is....okay.
Being led by the Holy Spirit requires sensitivity
To His Voice so soft, gentle, and sincere;
Yet strong and accurate always.
His voice I can clearly hear
Whether others are far or near.

The reason being....He is closer to me
Than anyone else in the room
Because He is within my heart always, forever.
So He is closer to me than any problem whatsoever.
Jesus stands between me any the entire world, it's true!
How could I help but feel protected, valued, secure...
Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit is with me
24/7 and that is why even in tough times I can endure.

So I praise God for the baptism in the Holy Spirit
Plus His instruction always lines up with the Word of God.
 His Words edify, comfort, encourage, and correct too.
He can calm a storm in seconds with five words so pure.
Such results are the reason I want to spend time with him regularly
Because after all He's done for me
I want to bless him by singing praise songs
And telling Him I love him...thankfully.  

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
                  Glory To God
PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Why would it be any different when it comes to the Word of God?
To discover truths that are hidden below the surface one must dig deep.
Not just read the Bible at surface many do, unfortunately.
The mysteries are secrets to be revealed; not something for us to keep.

Original meaning of the word 'mystery' in Hebrew is 'the secret way
Iin which God governs the righteous but is hidden to carnal wicked men.
This tells us the condition for which one has access to the mysteries
Is not to be carnal or wicked; rather Godly, righteous; & not just now & then.

There is a price to pay to receive such revelation from the Holy Spirit.
It requires time, deep thought, meditation on God's Word;
Crucifixion of the flesh  and not leaning to your own understanding
Because it is the voice of the Holy Spirit that must be heard.

He will lead step by step and it will differ from the majority.
That is why you must be rooted and grounded in the Word & in love
Plus be committed to digging; going deeper to receive
Understanding of the mysteries via the Holy Spirit, the Dove.

Some think the word mystery means we are not to know what it is.
That is the meaning in the Websters dictionary.
The origin of the word in the Bible is in Hebrew.
That is where it started and is truth to me.

So I leave this little poem with you now
In hopes that I whets your appetite
Too dig deeper into the Word of God every day
And seek to get revelation from the Holy Spirit
In Jesus' Name I pray.

Another  time I will share revelation I received.
My spirit was so uplifted and my countenance showed
Because when it happened my mindset changed.
No wonder I absolutely glowed.

When the Holy Spirit quickens something to you
You know that you know, that you know
It was not empty words, not carnal thinking,
You were energized, quickened, and  knew God told you so!

Be blessed as you dig into the Word of God and I also pray
That the Holy Spirit will reveal something to you today
That will be quickened to your spirit, you will be energized
And you will be  joyfilled all day because He heard you pray.

He answered your prayer and now you want to receive more.
That pleases Jesus because he wants everyone to mature spiritually.
He hides diamonds, and oil, below the ground's surface so why not
Also hide what He so mysteriously calls......a 'Mystery'?!

Mystery:  The secret way in  which God governs the righteous
but is hidden to carnal, wicked, ungodly men.  

Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
                      Glory To God
PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.