#46. Peace...Wonderful Peace Within
Peace.....peace within....is wonderful.
Peace within is my umpire.
Peace within is my prescription for permission.
Permission to continue as I have been.
When the Holy Spirit gives a new instruction
I will obey and follow through, until then though...
I stay sensitive to that wonderful peace within.
It is really not so hard....to do.
There will be times I do things different from the majority.
As long as I do so, and continue to have peace within
It really and truly is....okay.
Being led by the Holy Spirit requires sensitivity
To His Voice so soft, gentle, and sincere;
Yet strong and accurate always.
His voice I can clearly hear
Whether others are far or near.
The reason being....He is closer to me
Than anyone else in the room
Because He is within my heart always, forever.
So He is closer to me than any problem whatsoever.
Jesus stands between me any the entire world, it's true!
How could I help but feel protected, valued, secure...
Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit is with me
24/7 and that is why even in tough times I can endure.
So I praise God for the baptism in the Holy Spirit
Plus His instruction always lines up with the Word of God.
His Words edify, comfort, encourage, and correct too.
He can calm a storm in seconds with five words so pure.
Such results are the reason I want to spend time with him regularly
Because after all He's done for me
I want to bless him by singing praise songs
And telling Him I love him...thankfully.
Written By: Linda Lou Jones
Glory To God
PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.