- When progress is hindered repeatedly do you quit?
- Do you recognize discouragement when it…hits?
- Does your reaction… reveal how you feel?
- Are you answering these questions truthfully or how you think they should be answered if God was asking?
- How many times do you hit the wall before you ask if this is the direction to take?
- Have you considered the fact that sometimes one more step needs to be taken prior to the next breakthrough?
- Have you ever climbed a staircase only to discover what appeared to be the top was a wider step that took you around a corner …and led you to yet a few more stairs to climb?
- How do you react when you learn your plan showing point A and point B, also has a Point C?
- Is God ever early or late?
- Is patience something you are learning?
- Is your discernment having to grow? Is your faith being tried?
- Do circumstances ever change?
- What are you worrying about when you say God is in control?
- Why do you entertain distractions when time is of the essence?
- Do you think you would persevere more diligently if you could see the future?
- Do you believe your prayers are being answered?
- Do you still hear the voice of the Holy Spirit?
- Do you trust God to work all things together for good?
- Do you think it is important to ask questions?
- Do your friends influence you or visa verso?
- Does God know how to multiply?
- Do you believe your faith is strong?
- Do you speak the truth in love?
- Is there an area of your life where you want God to bring much revelation so as to help you breakthrough more quickly?
- Do you realize how much God loves you?
- Are you receiving God’s love?
- What is the greatest breakthrough you achieved in the past month?
- How many new goals have you set to be reached by the end of 2011?
- Does your countenance reflect Jesus….his light, love, tenderness?
- Do you want to be more Christ-like?
- How many Bible verses did you memorize in the past month?
- Have you documented things the Holy Spirit instructed you to do?
- How diligent are you when it comes to reading the Word of God?
- Has your prayer life increased in power and fervency; resulting in an increase of time spent in prayer?
- Do you share your zeal for the things of the Lord when the Holy Spirit nudges you to, or not?
- Are you fearful of rejection or is pride holding you back from being bold for Christ?
- When in doubt and making a decision, do you ask yourself what Jesus would do?
- Have you seen the trail you have blazed for Jesus or do you never look back?
- Regardless of the cost of picking up your cross do you continue to be expectant of God’s rewards for obedience?
- If you could change three things and improve on your behaviour, what would those three things be?
- Is your motive good when it comes to correcting someone?
- Do you ever condemn without realizing it?
- When the Holy Spirit gives an instruction to do something seemingly bazaar…do you?
- What is the most thrilling thing that ever happened to you?
- When did you decide to follow Jesus and not ever turn back?
- If you could be more effective than anyone, in winning souls, what would you be doing?
- When it comes to personal preferences, is yours…lined up with the Word?
- Where do you keep your most prized possessions?
- What do you do for others that you enjoy doing most?
- When you have breathed your last breath on earth will you hear: “Well done, thou good and faithful Servant….”?
Written By: Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 …my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
Glory To God.
FYI: My blogs and tweets are copyrighted…@LindaLouJones 2011.