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July 17, 2011

#8.  AHHH..... SWEET...!  

Remember the phrase
"Ain’t love grand?"

Intertwined hearts
Connected uniquely
Blending together eternally
Matched so perfectly
Complimenting each other
Yet such symbolism
Has no solid foundation
Without Christ within each heart
Millions who tasted the bitter pain of divorce
Know only too well what happens
When two do not remain solid in Christ
Oh that such pain would not reoccur
As lessons learned are not in vain
Oh that hearts are healed and matured
As spiritually souls are changed
Minds are renewed and transformed
With the washing of the water of the Word
Hearts are hungry for more and more
As they protect and guard their gates
Knowing to keep armor on always
And be on guard 24 7
How wonderful it must be
For God to see such transformation
As He looks down from on high
Delighted that his children are changing
Preparing for the Second Coming
As in Christ they abide.
A parent is proud of their children
When they observe maturity and change
As is Our Father
When His children yield
Pray and obey
What a wonderful goal
To make Him proud
Because of yielding and doing things
His way
Agreeing that I must decrease
He must increase
Oh that we all progress to such a degree
As daily we submit our will
To He.

Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
Glory To God
#7.  TRUST 

Trust and Truth
Go Hand In Hand
As Do Righteousness And Peace
Wisdom And Understanding
Pursued Diligently
By A Humble Heart
Connects Clearly With Like Kind
Trust Is Germinated
Trust That One Builds On
Trust Is Built
Trust Grows
Trust Is Rare
Trust Requires Honesty
Trust Requires Integrity
Trust Requires Discernment
Trust Requires Transparency
Trust Requires Total Truthfulness
Trusting One Another Is Proof Of Love
Love And Trust Blend Beautifully
Forming A Foundation So Firm
Christ Centered Completes The Equation
Resulting In Two Trusting Individuals
Daring To Love And Trust Completely
As Both Commit To Christ Centeredness
Trust So True And Rare
Results From Many Passed Tests
Truthfulness Is Good Fruit

Written by Linda Lou Jones
Glory To God 
PS. 45:1 “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

That’s what this burden is:
My own personal Gethsemane.
This is why others do not understand
How I feel.
This is why it is so important
To come to you, my Lord, first
You understand like no others.
Sometimes I call a friend first.
Then I realize I should have called on you.
Your arms of compassion are all I need
To comfort me.
Your grace is sufficient.
I know that now.
No human being can give me the security
That you give.
When the cross seems too heavy to bear
You remind me of one set of footprints in the sand.
Only one set, because you faithfully carry me
When the valley experience is more than I can bear.
You strengthen, uplift, and encourage me
In so many beautiful ways
That I am soon standing tall, and pressing on
Because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Others may look at me
And think I have no problems at all
But you and I know, Lord,
That everyone must pick up their cross daily.
We must crucify the flesh daily.
We must be hid in you.
We must deny self.
You must be number one, always.
Sometimes I look at others
And think they have such an easy life
But you remind me
I have not walked in their shoes.
It’s a two-way street.
Many people can drive a car
But when behind the wheel
Individual cars respond very differently.
So it is with us, these imperfect vessels,
As you live your life through us
You may inspire fifty people to do something
And each person will respond differently.
Some will obey immediately
And take that step in faith quickly.
Others will balk and pretend they didn’t hear you,
While others will argue with you.
Regardless of how we respond to you
Your response to us never changes.
You always respond in a spirit of love
Because You, God, ARE love.
If I slip You still love and lift me.
If I complain You don’t turn your back.
If I am tempted to give up
You touch me afresh and reveal yourself in some way.
Thank you for loving me so much.
Thank you for using me to bring glory to You.
I’m on this earth for a reason;
To be an extension of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for using this hunk of clay.
Thanks for loving, understanding, being so faithful, & for teaching me with such love.
My personal Gethsemane will never overcome me
Because I know you personally.
You were right Lord, in saying:
“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matt. 22:14
It is no secret what God can do.
With Him... there are no limits.

Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
Glory To God
PS. 45:1 “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
#5.  MY CHILD 

When I look into your eyes
I know…..
If you are walking close to Jesus
Or if it is your own way you go.

Sometimes, I see your lovely smile.
Sometimes I see your face all aglow.
Sometimes I see the hurt you try to hide
When you aren’t sure which way to go.

But Jesus has the answers
To every burden you carry.

He is calling you closer, my child.
He says…”Come unto me.”

His arms are extended.
He is reaching out to you.
Give your burdens to him
Because he loves you too.

When I look into your eyes
I know…..
If you are walking close to Jesus
Or if it is your own way you go.

Sometimes, I see your lovely smile.
Sometimes I see your face all aglow.
Sometimes I see the hurt you try to hide
When you aren’t sure which way to go.

Jesus wants to help you.
He paid the price, for you to be free.
There is power, in his blood, my child.
Let him cleanse you right now.
He wants to use you.
Let him lead you day by day.
He is a Gentleman…
What more can I say…..?

Written by Linda Lou Jones
Glory To God
PS. 45:1 “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

FYI: Lyrics to one of my songs, recorded ages ago on cassette.

Rollin’ down that highway
That’s what I’m gonna do
But I’m never ever alone
‘Cause Jesus said:
I’ll never leave or forsake you.

He lives his life through me
Every mile that I go.
He puts his words in my mouth
And I tell others how I love him so.

I get on the old C.B.
Call out to anyone.
Next thing I know there’s an answer
And soon we’re both havin’ fun.

I share how Jesus blesses me.
Talks to me every day.
He protects me & directs me.
All I have to do is pray.

It’s the same for my buddies
‘Cause Jesus loves them too.
Opening their heart, inviting him in
That’s all they have to do.

He’ll forgive their every sin.
Wash it away with his blood.
He’ll put peace & joy within their heart
When the enemy comes in like a flood.

‘Cause Jesus is the answer
They’ve been looking for.
He’ll make them a new creation in him
When they open their heart’s door.

He wants to be their Savior & Lord.
He wants to set them free.
The price has been paid.
It was all done…on Calvary!


If you are rolling down that highway
And my Jesus you don’t know
Just call out to him ‘cause he’s there
My friend, the Bible tells us so.

He’s been knocking on your door.
He hasn’t given up on you.
Put your trust in him right now….
He will see you through.

I’ll catch you on the old C.B. some day.
God will work it out.
For now I pray he blesses you
And that His promises you don’t doubt.

So ‘till I QSL with you again
Rainbow sends 3’s and 8’s.
I must go and praise the Lord some more
‘Cause my Jesus, he waits!


Written By: Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
Glory To God
 FYI:  The above are song lyrics to a song I wrote and recorded on cassette long ago.
'Rainbow' was my 'handle' or 'nickname' on CB radio for many years
Before I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.  
After that, my socalled 'nickname' became even more meaningful, 
As it is symbolic of "God's Covenant" with mankind.

#3.  ONE...TWO...THREE!!!

The View Touched My Heart 
As Soon As I Entered The Room. 
A Big Wooden Rocking Chair Faced Me 
With A Smaller Rocking Chair On Each Side Of It. 
Not One, But THREE Beautiful Chairs 
Were What My Eyes Did See.
Previously I Had Dedicated 
My Antique Rocking Chair To Jesus 
Each Time I Walk By I Picture Him Sitting On It, 
Listening To My Heart’s Cry.
Consequently, When I Entered This Home 
I Felt Jesus Greeted Me First. 
He Was Right There IN The Big Rocking Chair! 
I Am Never Alone No Matter Where I Go.
Many Times God Reveals Himself To Me Clearly. 
I love Him So. 
This Time He Really Did An Outstanding Job. 
Not One Chair, But THREE.
And A Five Year Old Boy 
Who Proved Chivalry Isn’t Dead.
He Was Most Hospitable To Me.
He Even Offered Me His Chair. 
Though I Didn’t Think I’d Fit. 
Then He Told Me Something 
That Was A Direct Hit. 
He Said, “The Little Chairs Are For My Sister And Me.”
I Said, “Who Sits In This Big One?”
He Said, “Mommy and Daddy.”
One Word Jumped Into My Heart: "FAMILY!"
I Thought To Myself…. How Pleased Jesus Must Be.
Little Things Mean A Lot.
Often It Is Something Small 
That Enables Something Big To Continue. 
It Can Be Anything From 'A Rocker' To 'A Letter' Or 'A Prayer'…. That’s All!!!
Hebrews 13:5 “…I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
Phil. 1:6 “Being confident of this very thing, 
That He which hath begun a good work in you 
Will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”
Written By:  Linda Lou Jones 
Glory to God
PS. 45:1 “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”