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November 26, 2011

What a difference a good attitude makes!  What a difference a huge heart makes!  What a difference a humble heart makes!  What a difference to the person on the receiving end.  No wonder I am inspired to write a new post. 

It is one thing to ask someone if they can help you learn a few specifics on the computer.  It is another thing to take advantage of their expertise and expect a free overhaul, so to speak. There is a healthy boundary to be set for the protection of everyone concerned.  Same thing would be required if you were receiving help from a mechanic, or a  hair stylist, or an attorney.  That part is just plain common sense.   

With this fact in mind, I want to tell you how someone's attitude was extremely refreshing, welcoming, and such a bright light that I have to write about it.  This lady and I have never met in person, we know who each other is through Beloved 'Twitter'.  We have only spoken a few times, yet see each others photo and tweets regularly.

Tonight I saw her photo and had a nudge from the Holy Spirit to ask her a few questions about the computer.  She has a huge number of followers and I figure she is more knowledgeable in this area.  So I sent her a note pointing here to read a direct message.  Then I asked her if she could tell me how to get a photo from my file to my twitter account.  Also, how to make a link with a tweet so the photo is available. I asked a few people before, to no avail. Not that they did not know but did not want to tell me.  I don't waste time trying to figure out why such a narrow mindset.  I just recognize the fruit, stay focused and move on, which is why I called this lady.

She responded immediately and gave a few instructions...was not hesitant at all to help.  Then she advised me to get on TweetDeck.  I started before but got lost and had no one to help me with it so I went back to the other format.  I told her I need someone to walk me through it until I get going as that is not my strong area.   She told me she is a non techy gal.  Then said, she is glad to help. 

I heard her heart immediately.....she did not have walls up, walls of fear that she could not help because she did not know enough about this stuff.......pride was not in the way.....she did not show a lot of confidence either.......yet she could NOT DO ENOUGH to HELP....Her Heart Was So Huge, So Open, So Willing...... it has been a while since I have run into someone with such a Servant's Heart.  I call this kind of Kindness, Attitude, Willingness, Caring, "World Class!"
You can be sure I will phone her at the time we agreed upon, and I already know it will prove to be beneficial time.  You see, I recognize the hand of God in her life and see how He is also honoring the fact that I reached out.  It is called 'humbling myself'.  

When you have asked repeatedly for help and people who know far more than you on a certain topic are not willing to help at all I question where their heart is.  It isn't necessary to share all your recipes with someone if you like to bake, but it is easy to at least help someone get started with the basics.  That is the illustration that comes to mind.
Yet when it comes to taking time to help someone....where did everyone go?  I know lots, several people who need help with computers, and are at a great disadvantage because of not know how  to repair it, or not having the funds to call a technician.  

Having a heart to help someone is not a one month of the year thing because of Christmas.  That is not the kind of example Jesus set for everyone.  Also, to help only certain people....or those within your so called click, or group of friends is not good.  Drop the walls and be free as you reach out in return like this lady did.  She was quick to set up an appointment, and encourage me even though this is not her field of expertise.  Her huge heart wants to help....  Hello?  Sounds like a 'Jesus Attitude' to me and I praise God for favor with her.

I obeyed the instruction of the Holy Spirit to to contact her and now look what is happening.  It is almost  ironic too because I had her in mind when I saved some pictures that are really humorous.  She is full of joy and I knew she would be blessed to see them.  Now she is in the middle of it, hands on.  Oh,
she lives in another country...  haha.  Small World, Big God.  My motto, this is a classic example, and I am so thankful for the internet.  Hallelujah!


I challenge you to have a "World Class Attitude" does Marie...@spreadingJOY.

She is like a magnet exuding the love of Jesus and the Joy of the Lord.  A bright light in a dark world.  I dedicate the blog post to you Marie Wikie and I Honor You For Having A "World Class Attitude". In fact, I have a hunch if I were to call your husband he was totally agree.  Praise the Lord!! 
Written By: Linda Lou Jones
                      PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen
                      of a ready writer.
                      Glory To God

November 22, 2011


After waiting three hours just to get a prescription renewed, taking care of other errands, missing lunch,  finding a business closed early, I knew I was being buffeted by the enemy.  Spiritual battle.  I finally parked my tired self at my favorite little fish and chip restaurant.  I had not eaten all day due to unexpected delays so I was looking forward to this treat.  Jesus escorts me everywhere I go.  I do  not dine alone, as some may think. 

Maybe that was a good thing I hadn't eaten all day,  because with less food it helps me be more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Little did I know I would have opportunity to be used by God. 

There were four staff and three customers plus myself in the restaurant.  Half way through my  meal a man sat two tables from me, facing me.  Each of us were at a table for two.  He spoke loudly.  I thought he was talking on the phone, but could not see any device.  He continued to be loud, complained time and again about menu prices.  It appeared he was talking to himself, loudly; whether as an attention getter or not, I did not know.  So I decided to just mind my own business.   

I wondered if staff would approach him and attempt to have him be more quiet.  It did not happen.  In fact, the waitress did not go to his table at all, probably because it was obvious he had not made a decision on what to order.  He continued to be loud and complain.
I asked the Lord if this man was under the influence of alcohol.....or drugs.....or had a mental problem.....did not get a witness on any of the above.  Just then, the man yelled out the price of another item, followed by using the Lord's Name in vain very loudly.

I felt like I got slapped in the face because my spirit was grieved as well as the Holy Spirit in me.  This man was cursing Someone I love dearly!  It was decision time for me now.  A teaching I have heard echoed  within:  "You Can Change The Atmosphere!"

Then another word popped up within: "Opportunity!"  WOW  (God knows how to get a message through.) If I DIDN'T speak up it would be a missed opportunity. I would be a HEARER and NOT a DOER.   I took a breath, said, "Help me Jesus".  I looked at the man directly and said as loudly as he spoke:  


The man and I locked eyes and in a split second he lowered his head and twice... said he was sorry.  Then he said, with head bowed low...."Please forgive me." I answered loud enough to be sure he heard me, "I Do." because I did not want him under condemnation.  Then he pulled his tuque off his bald head, and continued to keep his head down.

I did not look at him after that, I just finished my dinner and left.  Since management did attempt to silence the rude man I did not turn around to greet them as I left.  I simply departed quietly, not looking back.  What came to mind was a quiet soft voice: "Mission Accomplished." I walked out feeling different than when I entered.  Full tummy, yet souls at risk.   (A tree is known by its fruit.  The righteous are bold as a lion.  No boldness in Christ, no righteousness....)  Caring....costs.  

The spiritual battle ensued.  Next, I rebuked the lies of the enemy trying to make me feel bad for embarrassing the man.  He embarrassed himself with his own fruit of his mouth.  I simply stopped it from continuing.  As I now took control over the enemy's thoughts against my mind it made me conscious of the constant spiritual battle.  To not rebuke negative accusatory thoughts means letting a nest be built in my mind and that is not wise.  So I took dominion over such thoughts in the Name of Jesus.  It is one thing to recognize a thought as from the enemy; another thing to rebuke it and not let it build a nest. 

When I walked out of that restaurant it was not with any kind of 'yahoo' feeling at all.  I was annoyed that a treat for dinner had to be marred by someone who allowed the enemy to use his mouth.  I knew it was God who gave me courage, boldness, right tone, so as not to condemn, and compassion, yet the so called victory was bittersweet.

To not take a stand when such a thing happens is to deny Christ and I will not do that.  Yet of all the people in there, all of whom would be over forty years of age, noone else said one word.  I looked up before finishing my meal, and one female customer was staring at me expressionless.  We made eye contact, I gave a small smile, saw question marks in her eyes, no 'return' smile; so I looked away.  Surely she understood that I was speaking up against cursing.  So her response was surprising as she would have been at least sixty years of age.  Just because someone has white hair does not mean there is wisdom in the heart, obviously. 

 The atmosphere definitely changed because you could have heard a pin drop for the next ten minutes.  It made me wonder what the others were thinking.  Would they be nudged to take a stand for Jesus Christ some day soon?  I pray if so, they pass the test. I know I did, thankfully.  Would you?  Be instant in season and out of season, not just in the restaurant.  You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.  Phil. 4:19

Written By: Linda Lou Jones
                      PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen
                      of a ready writer.
                      Glory To God


November 21, 2011


How do we check to see if our eye glasses need cleaning?
We hold them up to the light.  Hello....
Does that remind us of something?

Sometimes we think our glasses are clean
Yet when held to the light it is a different story.
So it is in other areas of our lives
When we view from the brightness of God's Word.

This is not one of those poems that rhymes
But it is a poem with substance so read on.
I am not the only one that has to grow
Nor am I the only one who wears glasses.

Have you ever cleaned your glasses
Put them back on, only to discover
There is a spot you did not see.
I have, many times.

Have you ever been speaking with someone
And got distracted because their lenses were so dirty?
Come on....admit it....kinda makes you wonder
If they are that blind or don't care...

Do you see wrong doing in lives of others
Yet not see it in self?
Do you purposefully check periodically
In your desire to have a pure heart?

It is one thing to use a light bulb to expose darkness.
It is another thing to use the Word of God.
It is a living word. a sharp two edged sword
Dividing asunder the joints and marrow. Heb.4:12

If you do not wear glasses you are not off the hook.
You too need to do a spot check with the Word.
"God is no respecter of persons." Acts 10:34
Bottom line...

Okay, I don't think I have to belabor the fact
That we will see ourselves when we read the Bible.
God will reveal to us what the image is we project.
Is it of Him, or is it tainted, marred, even a little?

If He shows us something it is to help us
As we continue to raise the bar higher.
He exposes darkness and shows us how to do right.
Then we will increasingly be a bright light.  

So when you clean your glasses, or sun shades
I do pray this seed that got planted
Will be recalled and you will ask the Holy Spirit
To teach, help, restore, as "in Christ" you decrease
And He becomes MORE!!

John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease." 
1John 1:5..."God is light and in him is no darkness at all."  In fact, not even a shadow because there is no darkness in Him.

 Written By: Linda Lou Jones
                      PS.45:1"My tongue is the pen
                      of a ready writer."
                      Glory To God

November 19, 2011


With purse on one arm, groceries in both hands and a bus pass as well, a man approached me quickly.  The bus was approaching as well.  He asked me for $2.00; looked into my eyes with desperation, was about sixty years of age.  I had seen him in that area before, but did not know him.  There was no time to dig for change as the bus arrived right then.  I shook my head no; instantly discerned his anger as I boarded the bus safely; not without being affected though.  Spiritual battle and Christians must be instant in season and out of season.  This was one of those opportunities.

Many thoughts raced through my mind.  The first one was that how I treat the poor is how Jesus will treat me.  Second thought was what if he wants it to buy booze, do I help him?  Third thought...I am not responsible for what he does after I give it.  When I give, I sow and do so with no strings attached.  It is not my place to tell him what to do with it.  Fourth thought, I will not feel guilty because there was literally no time to open my purse as the bus arrived right at that moment.  Fifth thought, why did he target me specifically?  Sixth thought, maybe he targeted the others before I arrived.  Seventh thought, Lord, I feel sorry for him, would like to help, but can not help every person that begs.  If I give money, I want to witness to the person for sure, about You.   

When I arrived home my heart was hurting.  I felt like crying because that man really wanted money, yet I also realized he did not ask for one, but two dollars.  The amount I give, if I do, is my decision.  Hmmm, is that pride kicking in?  Since this is not the first encounter with someone asking for money in the past week I need to find out how God wants me to handle this.  There was also the possibility that the person may get angry if I say no, and I do not want to be put in a position of danger, nor do I want to allow manipulation.  Some people give quickly and go on their way, as if they think nothing of it.  I look at it differently.

When I give money, I am sowing seed, and my harvest is contingent on the condition of the soil.  If it is not fertile there will not be a harvest from God, through whomever He chooses to use to manifest that harvest.  No expectation robs the seed of faith and the seed will not multiply.  It becomes barren.  I can not please God without Faith.  Yet I learned that sowing down...initiates good health....God's promise to me in PS. 41:1-3.  In fact, read PS.41: Msg "
1-3Dignify those who are down on their luck; you'll feel good—that's what God does.    God looks after us all, makes us robust with life—   Lucky to be in the land, we're free from enemy worries.  Whenever we're sick and in bed,     God becomes our nurse, nurses us back to health.

My heart wants to give because I do love people, and want to help.  Yet to give fish, but never teach a person "how to fish" would not be doing the person a favor.   It would be doing the person an injustice.   Also, there is a bigger picture to this than whether to sow or not.  In the midst of trying to be led by the Holy Spirit I found myself wondering why the person is in such a state, does he try to get work; is he employable, ill, educated, where is family, what are the circumstances?  How is he dressed this well if he has no money?  Where does he live?  The questions continue to surface as does the question:  What would Jesus do?  

Obviously this is an area the Lord wants to help me with or I would not be so stirred.  It is one thing to give a gift.  It is another thing to be asked for a gift.  When I bring God's viewpoint into play, the picture looks a whole lot different because when we see God's viewpoint... wisdom also is seen.  (That is a point worth noting.) 

For example, I am a woman alone, a senior, changing buses; and for a complete stranger to approach me face to face as that man did was bold of him.  It also was out of order.  For him to approach a man the same way would be different and done differently too, because I am sure he would not have been so close to a man's face!  Yet that is not what happened.  He was targeting my emotions and that is manipulation.  I can not stand manipulation and recognize it easily.  Consequently, my thoughts turn to the fact that it is not a coincidence that the bus arrived at that very moment.  God's provision for me to depart safely.  He is faithful. (PS.91)

Other people around me did not say a word to the man, and their lack of support of me as a woman alone was noticed by me.  Too often people look but do not want to get involved.  Fear is at the root of their decision.  My trust is not in them, but in God; so I stay connected to the Source of my safety.  His Voice is supreme to me and brings comfort no stranger or friend can bring...His tone instantly soothes my entire inner being, causing me to immediately be more at ease.  His precious presence was strong as I sat on that bus on the way home and I was thankful.  I just knew we were going to have a little talk about this issue.  Fear was knocking, but I kept the door shut!  Thankfully!!  (Wise Mentors in my life.) 2Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind."
People begging for money was becoming an issue because it kept surfacing.  Day or evening someone somewhere was begging for money, male and female.  Mostly male though.  When someone is desperate it can put you in a dangerous situation, not knowing how they will react if you are the fiftieth one that says no that day! Who is the one that is like the straw that breaks the camel's back?  Not a positive thought, but one has to be street wise and this is pretty basic.  I was learning and needed answers because these encounters were increasing and the boldness of some individuals was more than astounding!

Once I was waiting for the bus with a shopping bag of heavy groceries.  Rather than hold the groceries while waiting I simply rested the bag on my foot and kept the bag upright while waiting.  Just as I was about to take three steps to get on the bus a man asked if he could carry it for me.  He was with all of us, getting on the bus also.  So I was grateful for a gentleman to help, and got on the bus, he followed me with the groceries. I showed my bus pass, sat in first seat, looked up and he was setting groceries on floor near me. 

His next action totally caught me off guard.  As he was leaned over inches from my face to set the groceries at my feet he said, "Could I have $2.00"  I thought he was being a gentleman and was getting the bus also.  Instantly I saw who I assumed was a as a man with an ulterior motive and it enraged me.  I hate deceit.  For a flash of a second I would have liked to bop him in the nose for doing that!  BUT GOD.....helped me crucify the flesh.

My gloves were on, purse over arm as I sat, more grocery bags on my lap and people trying to board the bus in the midst of the congestion he caused.  It was exasperating because any change I did have was buried and inconvenient to retrieve.  I was trying not to feel guilty while trying be upset with him as I did not know his entire situation.  In my somewhat flustered state I said, "I do volunteer work."   My intention was to teach him that he could sow seed and do the same somewhere, but I think he heard it as meaning: "I don't have...any money to give you."  He left the bus.  The door closed and the driver drove.  Then I wondered where the man wanted to go on the bus.... 

I was kicking myself for not carrying my own groceries.  In fact, I started thanking God that the man didn't turn around and just depart with the bag as he left the bus!  I never did like that saying..."How to get in trouble without even trying"....but must admit it came to mind at this time.  It was not comforting... and I am pretty sure my eyes were shooting sparks as I sat on that bus homeward bound, because I was stirred! 

How about some feedback from blog readers please?  How do you handle this kind of confrontation?  I pray for discernment and God keeps me safe always, yet only once did I give money to one man near a grocery store....AFTER....ministering to him the Word of God, and praying for him.  I never saw him at that spot again in the following year either.  At least I knew I would not have his blood on my hands.  Yet time is often of the essence too.

So rather than give some quick religious answer...(I refuse to go that route) me out please.  Your comments can be read by everyone, and although our experiences surely there a general rule of thumb you use to deal with this kind of thing?  I put the ball in your court and ask you to help me out...  Share what you have learned.....from the Lord with regard to sowing or not sowing in such situations.  I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.      

If you have any trouble sending a comment, notify me on Twitter:  rightlady7.  Thanks.  God Bless You and please don't be shy... I see this as opportunity for the body of Christ to work together.  One does not have all the answers.  Teamwork is a 'God' thing! :)) Keep in mind remarks are seen globally and I pray your reply will bring glory to God as you share what He ...taught... you!  Thanks again.  

P.S.  Did you notice this post shows the mentor in me as well as the protege...:))  I am a work in progress, praise the Lord!!  We don't have to 'arrive'....then 'be used'.  Rather, we make ourselves available and He uses us in the process of it all.  He truly is Amazing.  Glory to God!

P.P.S.:  Bottom Line for me is to hear the voice of the Holy led by Him.

Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
                       PS.45:1 My Tongue is the pen
                       of a ready writer.
                       Glory To God 


November 07, 2011

#62  Isaac Was No Dummy

 Isaac was no dummy.  Gen. 22:7-10...Isaac said, "Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"  Verse :8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together, And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an alter there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the alter upon the wood.  And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son."

Isaac loved and trusted his father.  Can you imagine what his thoughts were when his father bound him and laid him on the altar?  Was he fearful?  Was his heart broken? Did he cry out with questions? Did he feel betrayed?  Was trust shattered in that moment?  When he saw the knife raised in Abraham's hand did he focus on the knife or on Abraham's eyes?  Did he squint his eyes shut?  It is a moment that is not defined in detail....we are left to ponder...

Conversely, when Abraham bound his son Isaac, was Abraham's heart breaking with each cord?  Were there tears in his eyes as he prepared to slay his son whom he loved?  Did Abraham feel God let him down when he did not yet see a lamb provided for a burnt offering?  When Abraham placed the knife in his hand and raised his arm was he trembling with emotions raging?  Did part of Abraham die when he raised that knife, knowing his son was about to die? 

Two people, a father and a son, both with broken hearts, one likely feeling betrayed by his father; the other feeling betrayed by God, yet obedience to God was also part of the equation.  Ultimate obedience indeed.  Is God an on time God?  Did God test Abraham's faith to the inth degree?  Did Abraham pass the test?  Does God have a purpose in every trial?  Does God know the end from the beginning?  Does God see the big picture?  

Genesis 22:11-13 "And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.  And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.  And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son."

Notice:  the ram caught in a thicket by his horns: was behind Abraham.  He did not see the ram, the provision of God, until the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven and told him not to lay his hand upon Isaac.  Abraham had faith, but when  circumstances from his viewpoint, from his perspective appeared to let him down, he did not let God down. He was prepared to follow through with the instruction God gave him.  

Sometimes, in life, when our heart is breaking the most, that is when we are asked to do the most difficult thing...we can not do it without the grace of God.  We can not do it without hearing the voice of the Lord.  We can not do it without faith.  We all things through Christ.  

Do you think Abraham thought God was a bit late with His provision?  Do you think Abraham learned that sometimes God does things last minute...yet He is never late?  Do you think Abraham and Isaac....both had opportunity for their faith to grow?  

What was Isaac thinking when Abraham loosed him from the altar?
Did they embrace each other joyfully?  Was Isaac slow to reach out after feeling he had been betrayed? Did Abraham wonder if Isaac would lash out at him in anger?  Could trust be restored? Would trust be restored?  

After pondering over Abraham and Isaac's scenario, it helps me to trust God when circumstances appear to be at a standstill.  I know that I know that sometime, somehow, somewhere... God will intervene on my behalf.  It may be that the answer is right behind me, as it was for Abraham, but there will be an answer.  God is no respecter of persons.  I remind myself of this often.  It is part of how I encourage myself in the Lord.  He rules.  Not circumstances.  My faith and trust is in Him so with peace in my heart as my umpire, I stay steady and unwavering like a tall palm tree that remains fixed; not uprooted in the storms of life.  My God can not fail.  He does not change, thankfully.  

The Word of God, the Bible, has the answer to every problem we face.  I pray these words you just read will help you be encouraged in your present situation because God has answers for you in His Word.  Just as Isaac was no dummy, keep the Word of God in you, and you too will not be a dummy.  The same God will see you through every trial too....successfully!      

P.S.  I looked up definition of the word 'dummy'An imitation of a real or original object, intended to be used as a practical substitute. WOW.  Jesus was led as a lamb to the slaughter yet he opened not his mouth.  There is no end to this... dig for revelation.  I am too. Praise the Lord!   

November 05, 2011

#61  Investing In You!!

One house worth hundreds of thousands of dollars
Made a clear statement by its exterior appearance.
Leaves so beauiful
Covered the grass like a blanket of love
Yet several trees had not been pruned.
The many windows were covered in dust
From traffic that passed by that corner.
It looked cluttered, in pain, ouchy.
In my minds eye I could see
The transformation possible
If someone who Cared...
Chose to transform that home.
I saw windows sparkling in the sun.
I saw leaves raked away out of sight.
I saw trees pruned, shrubs trimed,
Fences pained anew
And a "Welcome" mat out too.
Some flowers by the enrance
Smiling at whoever entered.
And that is only the exterior.
As for the interior, I've not seen it
So I can only Imagine
The heaviness and oppression inside.
The house is like many people
Living in despondency and without hope.
Days passing by into months and years
As they exist heartlessly.

When Jesus is invited in accordingly
And a person responds
There is an inner transformation
Which will be reflected
By the interior.
 I know
Because it happened to me.
Now my eyes shine and twinkle
With the new life he gave me.
The new zeal, the love, peace and joy.
                              It is because my mind
Got transformed with the Word.
The more my mind got renewed
As my thinking lines up with the Word
I am receiving the mind of Christ.
Old things are passed away.
The joy of the Lord
Gives me strength, uncommon energy.
The Passion of Christ consumes me
Giving me Compassion for all.
This body is a temple.
A house for God to reside in.
It is kept clean, like a house.
The Fireplace spreads warmth
And welcome to all.
There is a fragrant anointing
Permeating wall to wall.
I do not ever want to be
Like that house unkept,
Dull and lifeless throughout.
I want my life to count
So with the love and wisdom
God has given me
I purpose to make a difference
For His glory.
As I write this I pray
All who read it
Will check your reflection.
Do you reflect Jesus?
Does our home reflect His Presence?
These are my thoughts
As I sit in the warm sun 'n fresh air
On a bench on the porch
Of the Nail Salon In Toronto.
Time not wasted.
I'm Investing In You!! :))
Written By: Linda Lou Jones
PS.45:1 My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
Glory To God