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September 28, 2012


Not everyone sees family members regularly
Sometimes there is great separation geographically
Sometimes the separation is caused spiritually
Sometimes it is God...protecting you
When you reach out with love
In an effort to help
And are rejected
Remember this

It Hurts
It Hurts A Lot
Because Rejection Hurts
Yet When You Make A Wise Decision
To Forgive And Forgive And Forgive Again
You Know Deep Within You Are Doing Right
You Are Undoubtedly Pleasing Jesus Big Time
Is There Anything Else More Important Than That
No Matter How Hard You Try You Can Not Please All
So When You Decide To Please Jesus You Win Every Time
How You Handle Rejection And Disappointment Is Up To You
Handle It With God's Help And You Will Get Through Successfully
He Uses These Painful Experiences In Our Lives To Help Us Oft Times
Though We Do Not Always Recognize The Lesson To Learn From Pain
Even Though The Holy Spirit Is Our Teacher From Pain We Can Also Gain
It Is Easy To See The Hand Of God At Work When You Sit In His Presence
Because He Does Reveal Things To Us As We Focus And Prepare To Receive
He Knows When Deep Pain Causes Our Heart To Grieve Cause He's Been There Too
Yes Jesus Knows A Whole Lot About Rejection And Pain And Grief And Conquered All
So Keep That In The Forefront Of Your Mind When You Are Hurting A Lot Cause Tis True
Not Only Did Jesus Conquer Rejection and Pain He Also Secured Victory For Us As Well
He Is An Overcomer A Conqueror Not A Victim Any More And Same Goes For You
So Chin UP And Receive All He Has For You Because God's Plans Are World Class
Lest Ye Doubt Remember Others And How They Rose To The Top Like Joseph, Moses
And The List Goes On And On And On So Put Your Name There Also Now
As In Faith And Prophetically You Proclaim That You Do Excel As Well
And You Will Continue To Excel Again And Again Because You 
Obey Your Master Mentor The Holy Spirit As Well As
Other Mentors In Your Life Which Is Good
In Fact Few Do Become Proteges
So The Fact That I Do
Have Not One
But Two
How About You?  

Written By: Linda Lou Jones

PS.45:1..."My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
Toronto, Ontario 
Glory to God

September 22, 2012

#80.    HOME RUN!!

When a man stands at the baseball plate and hits the ball dead on... there are Reactions!  People in the stands begin cheering for him almost immediately.  His teammates in the bullpen rise to their feet in anticipation as he runs from first base to second base safely.  Keeps on running as he heads toward third base quickly.  Some spectators get even more excited and exuberant as he makes it to third base.  When he passes short stop safely....a spectator tosses his drink in the air in jubilation as a Home Run is achieved in brief seconds!  By then the embraces of overjoyed teammates have hidden the runner beneath their embrace as the scoreboard changes in their favor.    

I said that to say this: It is not all about the runner.  The eyes are on the runner, of course, as he plays a key part in the game of baseball.  However, he is but one person on the team.  Together they are a team...although individually at times, the spotlight is on them.  If a ball is hit to second base, of course the spotlight is on the runner and the second base man.  It is a team effort.

So it is in a Christian Ministry....much teamwork is required.  God calls someone to head up a ministry, birth Apostle.  A Church becomes filled with people, gradually, and the office is filled with staff.  Leaders teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but it doesn't stop there in that particular city.  Financial support is generated through Partners of the Ministry.  There is an outreach that extends beyond the immediate vicinity.  God is Global and calls for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to go forth globally.    

This requires a leader, and armour bearers, other staff also to travel to other countries.  Near and far, by car, van, limo, cab, airplane.  The cost is high, as is the amount of work required to teach via television and internet.  Plus the need to transport all the books and whatever other material is needed.  Someone must organize as when they reach the venue they must set up table to display the books, DVD's, CD's, etc.  Done as unto the Lord which means it must be done in an orderly fashion, not slipshod.  God is World Class and teaches the teachable to be like Him.  It is a high standard requiring much exacting work continually to achieve the desired results. Humility is required as well as a reduction of pride, tempers, angry outbursts.  Humanity can not be killed, the flesh must be crucified. Much prayer is part of the teamwork too.

When a standard of excellence is called for, it is a standard few even attempt, let alone achieve.  Consequently for those under such leadership, learning to raise the bar high can be stressful and quite a stretch.  Mediocrity must be left behind willingly as one steps up higher, no turning back.  The flesh dies hard so when new habits need to be achieved; when discipline is required until a habit is birthed; there will be countless opportunities to quit, become slack, not to mention angry and frustrated.  This is when one soon learns what is on the inside because what is inside will come out.  

Whether it be words of frustration and anger or praise in the midst of it all....or a tenacity of a bulldog is shown as someone is determined to excel.  Focus will be important when the flesh is being crucified, the emotions are held in check, and time is of the essence.  In fact, focus is important 24/7 if time is of value.  Everything one does is an investment in something or someone so time is a huge factor in the value of that investment.  Time is money, time can not be replaced, time is the most precious valuable commodity to those who view time as currency.  

When looking at the big picture...can you see yourself here...where do you fit...what is your assignment in life...are you an asset to the team and are you raising the bar for excellence?  Is becoming World Class one of your goals?  If not, why?  If so, why?  When the passion within is to have World Class Excellence in your life, it will not be overlooked by others.  Your daily habits will prove to be outstanding because you learned to control a twenty four hour period and make it serve you.  Your day is your servant.  Commanding your day each morning as you give a theme for the day, whether it be a day of honor and you excel in honoring others throughout the day; or a day of order resulting in much order achieved by the day's end; with your day as your servant and a theme in mind, changes occur that were not occurring previously.

Little changes that are done consistently, become habits; habits that create huge changes in time.  One never knows how much one little email letter can grow into a book, let alone a global ministry.  God's plans are always bigger than man's biggest and best plan.  So as we reach for more and achieve, more is always available because God is a God of abundance.  Also, a God of multiplication.  When the pain of making the changes is severe, and frustration seems constant, remind yourself that God has a plan and you are working the necessary part at this time.  Yet things will not always be this difficult for this plan is simply preparation for promotion. 

The good that is being done when you lift weights at the gym can not be seen immediately.  Yet keeping one's eyes focused on the desired result helps one to persevere, endure the difficulties.  Whatever the battle you face lately I pray these words help you to chin up, stick it out, don't quit, get focused, fired up again as you regain momentum and know that you know... your labor is not in vain.  You started with a goal in mind and you will complete.  This is not all about you, it is for a greater purpose as you fulfill the assignment God has called you to do so press forward, keep climbing upward, be tenacious, you can make it, no fear, no doubts, you are called, chosen, anointed, and God does not make mistakes.  

Trust God to see you through and praise him before you get through...that is a very good idea!  In fact, it is a God idea.  Blessings and encouragement to all...ask God to show you the Big Picture and your little world won't seem so little after all.  Although as my motto says:  Small World...BIG GOD!!!  It is time for Your "HOME RUN, Too!!"

"As I was with shall I be with thee..." I suggest reading Joshua 1:1-9. "

WRITTEN BY: Linda Lou Jones
                           Psalm 45:1 "...My tongue is the pen
                           of a ready writer." 
                           Glory To God