#98 From A Stone To A Pen
The more I meditated on David and Goliath, one of my favorite Bible stores. the more I recognized solid faith in action. David could have taken one pebble only to defeat Goliath. He knew how to hit his target with a blow where it would produce the effect he desired. He had no fear. David had no doubt. Yet David collected not one, or two, or three, but five stones.
Obviously David was a thinker. His mind moved into the future with the precision of a lazar beam. He knew a man does not enter a battle unprepared. Nor does a man enter a battle ill equipped. He made a wise decision not to wear armor that did not fit. Another wise decision was his preparation for the possible retaliation of Goliath's four sons. Goliath plus four makes five...David was a thinker...preparing...armed...using the gift he had been given not only on the key day of battle.
For years behind the scenes David slung a stone with that slingshot, each time perfecting more and more his skill. Consequently, if the sons attacked, he would not be alarmed or even distracted. He would simply start swinging that sling shot with accuracy...repeatedly. Confidence was not lacking because his previous time of practise cause David to see his skill was becoming more refined, more accurate, he could sling a stone further and further hitting the mark repeatedly.
Do you wonder what his thoughts were as he realized he was improving all the time...yet he was surrounded with sheep that don't talk. Did he think he was about to face yet another ferocious life threatening animal that would require great strength and skill? Did he face fear just thinking about it? Did his hearing improve also as he listened for sounds coming from behind... as well as within sight?
When he was called from the field was his heart pumping like no other time? Was adrenalin surging in preparation though he knew not why? Was he looking, listening, from all directions as his spirit was on so-called 'red alert'? Was there a blend of fear and excitement as he neared his unintended target? Did he feel like if he blinked again he would see something he'd never seen before? Was he expectant, jubilant, tense, concerned, stressed, or did he walk with purpose in his step...every step bringing him closer to the Palace? A Palace he could not see but he knew within he had reached the mountain's summit. Do you think he was yawning...procrastinating...complacent...or did he walk like a man of God whose trust in God gave Him great confidence. His obedience increased his confidence as well. Until the moment arrived and it was a moment of 'no turning back'.
Do you think when he looked at Goliath he had thoughts of doing an about turn, and fast? I think not. His mindset was to replay past victories, as he collected those five stones. He then used his imagination to see himself killing Goliath; but that is not the place he parked. He then imagined receiving all three harvests which surely made him feel... taller than Goliath! To never pay taxes, marry the King's daughter, and be second in command was quite an upgrade from caring for the sheep day and night.
Only you know battles you have fought and won in the past...so-called 'giants' you killed. You may not be in the pasture tending sheep; but you just may be a Pastor tending sheep with two legs instead of four. Sheep who talk. Sheep who do not listen well. Sheep who are not learners. Sheep who backstab. Sheep who wound the Shepherd whose heart is to protect and love them... Sheep who are obviously ignorant in many areas, yet fail to reach for help.
They at times are more an enemy than 'family friendly'. Yet a man with a Shepherd's heart...never quits. He has excelled in forgiving, countless times, without keeping count. Sounds like Jesus. If your Pastor was Jesus in his fleshly body would you treat him differently? Would you be more attentive, more respectful, more obedient, more punctual, more focused, more positive, more quick to show honour, more giving, more thankful, more loving? How about less outspoken, less flesh visible, less boisterous, less compromising, less words, less critical, less negative? If it were Jesus in your shoes what changes would He implement first, in obedience to His Father?
Anything He reveals by the power of the Holy Spirit will be that which is hindering you in some way, from fulfilling His call on your life. He removes that which is destroying you. Will you let Him lead you accordingly? Is hour heart in agreement with your mouth when you say, "Thy will be done Lord."? David could have dug his heels in after killing the bear and said, "I quit...enough is enough!" Quitting is not enhancing progress. No defeated individual is full of joy and energy. So for those who are in that scenario, wake up to the truth that you have not envisioned all God has planned for you. Circumstances are the opposite of what God promised but God does not change.
The same God that prepared David is preparing you for a glorious future. As you obey the voice of the Holy Spirit you will know what weapon to choose and will already be skilled at using it. Your trust will be not in circumstances that are subject to change. Rather, trusting God is a habit you enforced for decades and if any habit is a good habit, it is the habit of 'Trusting God". He is 100% trustworthy. So let's check the fit of your armour...refocus to the positive...stand up straight like a King expecting to receive his Queen and move forward in faith because faith is what pleases God. Bottom line...it will require faith to please God. Is your faith intact? Are you hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit? Are you expectant? Do your eyes dance with anticipation as you make a conscious effort to walk into your future...Christ-centered future? This is where you believe, conceive, proclaim, expect, and rejoice prior to manifestation because faith says it is yours, it will happen to the glory of God.
Locate your position; get your check list out; meditate on the Word of God; ask lots of questions to self and to the Holy Spirit; expect answers; be a receiver; dogmatically drawing answers toward you like an invisible magnet; praise and worship is always part of the equation; the icing on the cake can easily be Psalm 112...every verse read and proclaimed daily. When your day of battle arrives, just as David succeeded with God's help; you will know that you know, well in advance that "Success" is what you produced... that others may succeed...to the glory of God. I know, because it happened to me. My book "THE AGONIZED HEART...No More" is manifestation of my success over a Goliath in my life.
Goliath is not always a person...I battled mind altering 'fear' to the point of losing my identity! God restored and my life has been fear'less' for over a decade, to the glory of God. No matter how big your so called Goliath is, you can also be an overcomer in Christ. My weapon was not one or five stones...it was a pen. PS.45:1 "...My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." I am the vessel, the Holy Spirit is symbolized by the ink that flows through the pen. From a pen to a computer and finally published in a book proving nothing is to hard for God. Teaching how to recognize and abandon abusive relationships whether it be a mate, relative, neighbor, clerk, etc. Also, how you teach people how to treat you...
What is your weapon of choice? Keep refining your skill and know that in due season you shall reap ... if you faint not. Galatians 6:9. In one day your whole life can change with an invitation to the Palace. Stay focused, diligent, faithful, pure, knowing your labor done as unto the Lord is not in vain...ever. If anyone keeps accurate records...it is God. He's got your number...you are 'Next' so allow the Holy Spirit to prepare you moment by moment because "World Class" requires much more than some good habits.
Written By: Linda Lou Jones
Psalm 45:1..."My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
My New Book: CreateSpace.com/4291444
Written By: Linda Lou Jones
Psalm 45:1..."My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
My New Book: CreateSpace.com/4291444
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