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August 19, 2011

#36.  HOME

You have likely heard the saying, "Home Is Where The Heart Is".  Not to mention the words:  "Home Sweet Home".   That sounds all well and good, yet it is not necessarily truth with everyone.  Many homes are not "Nests Without A Thorn".  Many homes are not without great difficulties, whether known by others or not.  Consequently, the word "Sweet" is not an accurate adjective for many homes because the sweet is not there.  Not because it is not desired, but because "It is what it is." 

Christians are in the world, but not of it.  Speaking for the perspective of a Christian my home has proven to be many different addresses over the years.  Some homes were housing more happiness and peace than others.  In retrospect there was a pattern that inevitably managed to come full circle, again and again.   The pattern began with the excitement of 'new' as well as a new perspective upon entering a new beginning.  Sometimes alone, other times with a family or with friends, and always with a purpose.  As well as with challenges, opportunities to adapt, and challenges that required spiritual muscles to be developed in order to get promoted out of there to 'Next!'.  

A constant prayer was to successfully pass every test that day so I could get promoted to the next home God had for me.  In answering God's call on my life I said, "Here I am..Send me."  and He did.  Thus, many moves have been necessary as the Holy Spirit positioned me where He wanted me, and with whom.  Laying down my life, my desires to have my own home, was a sacrifice, yet obedience is not without rewards.  God always rewards obedience.  So with my confidence in Him...I have moved almost 50 times over the years, and am now facing another move.  Not my favorite word.... but "His grace is sufficient".  

Moving so much means there is a possibility that if you wake up in the middle of the night you might want to take time to turn the light on or you just may run into a wall.  Not to mention find the right room if you are headed for the restroom...  So you can see this is only one result that requires adaptation.  There are many more that I won't go into, yet you can imagine there are many different standards that people raise, or do not raise, in their homes.  Yet they call themselves Christians...and live so differently.  

Jesus through His Word is my standard to raise.  The better I get to know him the more clear my perception of what a "Home" should be.  Not be like, "Be!"  To achieve having a nest without thorns first hinges on if one or more people live there.  If only one, less likely to have thorns, though it is possible.  Such as if the a/c is faulty, or the water heater leaks, or the neighbors are loud late at night, etc.   

More than one person in the home requires individuals to be of like mind as believers and raise a standard for righteousness.  To not do so, is already defeating the purpose of a home.  A home should be a safe haven where you can live, rest your head at night, and do so  in total security and safety.  
Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
                     Glory To God
                     PS. 45:1 My tongue is the         
                     pen of a ready writer.

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