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August 19, 2011

#37. A Few Possible Scenarios:
One household awakens to the sound of an alarm clock. One household awakens to the sound of a baby crying. One household awakens to the sound of the garbage truck collecting trash. One household awakens to the sound of a siren. One household awakens to the sound of praise and worship music. One household awakens to the sound of the dog barking. One household awakens to the sound of someone being slapped.... One household awakens to the sound of staggering feet...stumbling over things... 

One household awakens to the sound of someone being sick to their stomach... One household awakens to the sound of crying, grieving.... One household awakens to the sound of a bird singing. One household awakens to the sound of a guard unlocking the prison door. One household awakens to the sound of absolute silence! One household awakens to the sound of waterfalls flowing. One household awakens to the sound of a nurse by your bedside with medication. The possibilities are endless......

Meditate for a few minutes over these possibilities and your heart will be thankful that you do not awaken to the sound of abuse, grief, etc. If you do awaken to that, there is something you can do about it. Silence allows it to continue and it always increases, so open your mouth...speak up. The decision is yours, come out of denial and move forward with your life. The hand of the Lord is reaching out to you, encouraging you to do so.....he will help you. The Holy Spirit will lead you. He never pushes, he leads lovingly, gently, but with a purpose so trust Him though you may not understand His ways, know that God's ways are higher, right, best.

For those who awaken to a peaceful situation, be thankful. Also, it would be an opportune time to say a prayer for others less fortunate. What better way to start your day than in prayer for someone else? Hopefully this seed is sown in good soil of a receptive heart that has a passion for the hurting and less fortunate. Perhaps your perception has broadened after reading these words and compassion is triggered. 

Let's do whatever the Holy Spirit leads us to do from the moment we awaken to the end of the day. Make each day count for Christ as you walk step by step in tune with Him. The most important thing is that your heart is a home for his presence and that he is welcome at all times. Then 'Home” becomes “Home Sweet Home” for Him, and when it is sweet for Him, it will be for you too. 

Regardless of circumstances you will have an ability to shine for Jesus and be an extension of his hand to others. I pray your heart is a “HOME” for Jesus Christ and that you are consciously aware of being “In His Presence” 24/7. 

Then you will have the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. Not to mention the fact that your heart as a home where Jesus is not grieved, means your home will be full of righteousness as you raise a standard for Him. Is it?

Written By:  Linda Lou Jones
                      Glory To God
                      PS.45:1 "My tongue is the pen 
                                      of a ready writer."

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