God's ways are higher than man's ways. God's thoughts are wiser. No sense wasting time trying to figure it all out. Just go with the flow of the Holy Spirit and this is what you did. The more you did this the closer your relationship because resulting in an inner knowing when you did not have a witness on something. i.e. In conversation with someone and they say a one liner that you know is not true....because you got a check in your spirit...like a pulling back, or a red light within. Obeying the nudgings of the Holy Spirit became a habit that prevented much chaos and confusion.
Though you encountered trials and temptations, you thought were difficult, you also were spared much darkness because of the habit you developed. The more you continued to listen, learn, obey, the more strong those spiritual muscles became until you were able to soar high above many storms, into a tranquil area. As you were bathed with peace that passes all understanding, you did not see a lot of the conflict that was encountered below by others. Your protection occurred due to your obedience to press in to the heart of God and in doing so you heard the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Your expectations are a result of what you have fed your spirit. Expectations of others will differ greatly. Opinions are given freely and repeatedly, yet it is only God's opinion that truly matters. Consequently, keep listening to God and your expectations will happen. In fact, God will do exceedingly far above your greatest expectations...He is able. The decision is yours.....choose your "habits"....develop spiritual muscles....pray and obey....listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit daily...always be expectant. The best is yet to come. Glory to God.